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Taiwan Gold Card Community website
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New Community Member Profiles #212

Open fifieldt opened 3 years ago

fifieldt commented 3 years ago

We have a long backlog of people who agreed to be interviewed to create a profile on the Community page. This task involves involves contacting those people from the list and gathering their responses to our standard questions, then editing for length, and adding the content to the site.

johncliu commented 3 years ago

I'm happy to tackle some of the backlog. To scale the task, couldn't we solicit responses to the standard questions via google form and then it's a matter of editing? We already have the sign-up google form. I can set up another google form for the community page. Do we maintain an email list of all GC holders, or can we use the newsletter distribution list? (I do see the benefit to reaching out in person though.) We probably should explicitly add Terms of Use language to address any concerns on personal content or images.

fifieldt commented 3 years ago

Hi @johncliu , we have the results of the main google registration form which include a tickbox for people who want to have their profile listed (as well as their contact details and their basic introduction). I will contact you on LINE to patch you in (ask @erickhun or @cbrolly if I forget)

In my experience, people providing profiles were happy to provide a lot of details, then it took some effort to edit them down for length.

Good point about Terms.

johncliu commented 2 years ago

After broadcasting on slack/Line and directly msging 40+ new arrivals, we only received 5 profiles for the community page. People are either shy or lack a motivation to contribute their profile.