taiwangoldcard / website

Taiwan Gold Card Community website
43 stars 18 forks source link

Taiwan Gold Card

We are built with an open and transparency spirit. Everyone can contribute, and suggest/implement ideas

Our goal is to:

  1. Increase the profile of the Gold Card, cementing its position as a 'special' accomplishment
  2. Rally the pool of Gold Card Holders to improve the life of all foreign residents in Taiwan
  3. Raise the profile of Taiwan as a great place to live and work, so new talents are attracted in Taiwan

Website architecture

Working with the repo

brew install hugo # check https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/ for alternative method
git clone https://github.com/taiwangoldcard/website.git
cd website
hugo server # launch a server and serve it at http://localhost:1313/

View contribution guidelines for more information 🚀