taj-ny / kwin-effects-forceblur

Blur any window on KDE Plasma 6
GNU General Public License v3.0
107 stars 7 forks source link

Steam breaks the effect until relogin #44

Open CarlosEkisde opened 2 months ago

CarlosEkisde commented 2 months ago

When starting steam, the moment the window appears, new windows appearing after that won't get properly blurred, including new windows from processes already running, for example plasmashell.

I'm on a nvidia 3060 Ti with the proprietary driver. That may be relevant. I have not tested with AMD or Intel.

Distro: Fedora 40 KDE Wayland.

Logs since steam started:

abr 14 22:11:21 localhost plasmashell[79908]: steam.sh[79908]: Running Steam on fedora 40 64-bit
abr 14 22:11:21 localhost systemd[2400]: Started app-steam-4b82fb22041946c5b1d8943e7a205d41.scope - Steam.
abr 14 22:11:21 localhost plasmashell[79908]: steam.sh[79908]: STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
abr 14 22:11:21 localhost plasmashell[79984]: setup.sh[79984]: Steam runtime environment up-to-date!
abr 14 22:11:21 localhost plasmashell[79908]: steam.sh[79908]: Steam client's requirements are satisfied
abr 14 22:11:21 localhost plasmashell[80029]: 04/14 22:11:21 Init: Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1709846872)/tid(80029)
abr 14 22:11:21 localhost xdg-desktop-portal-kde[77585]: xdp-kde-settings: Namespace  "org.gnome.desktop.interface"  is not supported
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80049]: steamwebhelper.sh[80040]: === dom 14 abr 2024 22:11:22 CEST ===
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80052]: steamwebhelper.sh[80040]: Starting steamwebhelper under bootstrap sniper steam runtime at /home/Carlos/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_64/steam-runtime-sniper
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: tid(80029) burning pthread_key_t == 0 so we never use it
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: [2024-04-14 22:11:21] Startup - updater built Mar  6 2024 20:27:25
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: [2024-04-14 22:11:21] Startup - Steam Client launched with: '/home/Carlos/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam'
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: minidumps folder is set to /tmp/dumps
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: [2024-04-14 22:11:21] Loading cached metrics from disk (/home/Carlos/.local/share/Steam/package/steam_client_metrics.bin)
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: [2024-04-14 22:11:21] Using the following download hosts for Public, Realm steamglobal
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: [2024-04-14 22:11:21] 1. https://client-update.akamai.steamstatic.com, /, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1000, source = 'update_hosts_cached.vdf'
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: [2024-04-14 22:11:21] 2. https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com, /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1, source = 'update_hosts_cached.vdf'
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: [2024-04-14 22:11:21] 3. https://cdn.steamstatic.com, /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1, source = 'baked in'
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: [2024-04-14 22:11:21] Verificando instalación...
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: [2024-04-14 22:11:21] Verification complete
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: UpdateUI: skip show logo
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: Steam logging initialized: directory: /home/Carlos/.local/share/Steam/logs
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: XRRGetOutputInfo Workaround: initialized with override: 0 real: 0xf02f0e90
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: XRRGetCrtcInfo Workaround: initialized with override: 0 real: 0xf02ef5f0
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 31 milliseconds to initialize
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost xdg-desktop-portal-kde[77585]: xdp-kde-settings: Namespace  "org.gnome.desktop.interface"  is not supported
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: Steam Runtime Launch Service: starting steam-runtime-launcher-service
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80029]: Steam Runtime Launch Service: steam-runtime-launcher-service is running pid 80284
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost steam-runtime-launcher-service[80284]: bus_name=com.steampowered.PressureVessel.LaunchAlongsideSteam
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost xdg-desktop-portal-kde[77585]: xdp-kde-settings: Namespace  "org.gnome.desktop.interface"  is not supported
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost xdg-desktop-portal-kde[77585]: xdp-kde-settings: Namespace  "org.gnome.desktop.interface"  is not supported
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80291]: libEGL warning: egl: failed to create dri2 screen
abr 14 22:11:22 localhost plasmashell[80291]: DRM kernel driver 'nvidia-drm' in use. NVK requires nouveau.
abr 14 22:11:23 localhost plasmashell[80029]: /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-2.0/main.rc:733: error: unexpected identifier 'direction', expected character '}'
abr 14 22:11:23 localhost plasmashell[80029]: /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-2.0/hacks.rc:28: error: invalid string constant "normal_entry", expected valid string constant
abr 14 22:11:23 localhost plasmashell[80029]: /usr/share/themes/Breeze/gtk-2.0/widgets/entry:70: error: unexpected identifier 'direction', expected character '}'
abr 14 22:11:23 localhost plasmashell[80029]: /usr/share/themes/Breeze/gtk-2.0/widgets/styles:36: error: invalid string constant "combobox_entry", expected valid string constant
abr 14 22:11:23 localhost plasmashell[80376]: DRM kernel driver 'nvidia-drm' in use. NVK requires nouveau.
abr 14 22:11:24 localhost plasmashell[80398]: DRM kernel driver 'nvidia-drm' in use. NVK requires nouveau.
abr 14 22:11:24 localhost kwin_wayland[77366]: kf.windowsystem: static bool KX11Extras::mapViewport() may only be used on X11
abr 14 22:11:24 localhost plasmashell[80029]: BRefreshApplicationsInLibrary 1: 1ms
abr 14 22:11:24 localhost kwin_wayland[77366]: kwin_core: Failed to focus 0x2e00033 (error 8)
abr 14 22:11:24 localhost kwin_wayland[77366]: kf.windowsystem: static bool KX11Extras::mapViewport() may only be used on X11
abr 14 22:11:24 localhost kwin_wayland[77366]: kwin_core: Failed to focus 0x2a00005 (error 3)
abr 14 22:11:24 localhost kwin_wayland[77366]: kwin_core: Failed to focus 0x2a00005 (error 3)
abr 14 22:11:24 localhost kwin_wayland[77366]: kwin_core: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 797, resource id: 44040197, major code: 129 (SHAPE), minor code: 3 (Combine)
abr 14 22:11:24 localhost kwin_wayland[77366]: kwin_core: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 798, resource id: 44040197, major code: 129 (SHAPE), minor code: 3 (Combine)
abr 14 22:11:24 localhost kwin_wayland[77366]: kwin_core: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 813, resource id: 44040197, major code: 129 (SHAPE), minor code: 3 (Combine)
abr 14 22:11:24 localhost kwin_wayland[77366]: kwin_core: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 814, resource id: 44040197, major code: 129 (SHAPE), minor code: 3 (Combine)
abr 14 22:11:24 localhost kwin_wayland[77366]: kwin_core: Could not find window with uuid "{20bdc72c-a537-4d2d-b084-aa8fe5467535}"
abr 14 22:11:24 localhost kwin_wayland[77366]: kwin_core: Could not find window with uuid "{20bdc72c-a537-4d2d-b084-aa8fe5467535}"
abr 14 22:11:24 localhost plasmashell[80029]: BuildCompleteAppOverviewChange: 245 apps
abr 14 22:11:25 localhost kwin_wayland[77366]: kwin_core: Could not find window with uuid "{20bdc72c-a537-4d2d-b084-aa8fe5467535}"
abr 14 22:11:25 localhost plasmashell[80029]: RegisterForAppOverview 1: 12ms
abr 14 22:11:25 localhost plasmashell[80029]: RegisterForAppOverview 2: 12ms
abr 14 22:11:25 localhost kwin_wayland[77366]: kf.windowsystem: static bool KX11Extras::mapViewport() may only be used on X11
abr 14 22:11:25 localhost plasmashell[77514]: qt.gui.imageio: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
abr 14 22:11:59 localhost kwin_wayland[77366]: kf.windowsystem: static bool KX11Extras::mapViewport() may only be used on X11
abr 14 22:12:06 localhost systemd[2400]: Started app-org.kde.konsole-71dc2365919f43b68aba49ad188e928f.scope - Konsole - Terminal.

Also adding steam to the blacklist doesn't prevent this issue.

taj-ny commented 2 months ago

Does this also happen when using the stock blur effect?

CarlosEkisde commented 2 months ago

No, this only seems to happen with forceblur.

Also I tried opening steam with the -silent argument, which launches steam without opening the window, and this also triggers this issue.

taj-ny commented 2 months ago

I'm unable to reproduce this on an Intel GPU. Launch another Plasma session with dbus-run-session startplasma-wayland and start Steam inside it, you'll get much more detailed logs.

EDIT: Does the issue occur on X11?

CarlosEkisde commented 2 months ago

It happens on X11 too.

Running Plasma with that command provides no logs for me =P. Also I noticed that sometimes this issue doesn't trigger when running Plasma this way. It may be coincidence. I don´t know.

Btw, This days I've switched to an opaque kwin and widget styles that I happened to like the most. So I'm switched back to default blur for the Plasma theme. I'm sorry for not been able to properly debug this thing from now on =P

EDIT: Also tried running steam with -silent parameter which makes it start without opening the window, and this way the issue also triggers.