tajpulo / arewedigitaltypesettingyet.com

"Are we digital typesetting yet?" tries to give an overview over digital typesetting solutions
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Add JATS XML, XLingPaper XML, DITA-OT, DITAC, TeXML, Paged.js? #1

Open HughP opened 1 year ago

HughP commented 1 year ago

I feel like you should add JATS XML, XLingPaper XML, XSL-FO, TeXML, and Adobe Indesign.

Omikhleia commented 1 year ago


Reading the above suggestion made me think about it too.

Regards. (Disclosure: I am currently quite involved in using SILE. I used DITAC a few years ago in my professional life)

tajpulo commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your response. Thanks for the pointer @HughP and for the details @Omikhleia!

If I write software which literally just replaces <body with <body data-format="html5" in some HTML5 file, I think it would also satisfy the criteria listed on the website (because they inherit the properties of HTML5). Or if we have some Javascript library, we have the same situation. But adding a <script/> element really was not my intention of what a typesetting system shall be. My inclusion criteria are not mature yet.

I wonder whether a certain notion of conversion shall be included. Specifically about Paged.js, I don't think it should count as typesetting system, but it is not terrible if it fits the criteria. In general, a typesetting system should do some typesetting tasks like arranging elements (obvious when you have paged output documents) or conversion of structure/metadata/serialized data (typical minimal task of a system generating reflowable documents).

So maybe we could extend “3. Produces HTML5, PostScript, or PDF 1.4 (or later) output” to “3. Produces HTML5, PostScript, or PDF 1.4 (or later) output and its input format must not be the same”. Any opinions?

Omikhleia commented 1 year ago

By the way, another addition could be Lout. It got somewhat hyped when it came into being, and was advertised a new (La)TeX too as some of the other solutions now are... it even has a Wikipedia page... I believe it's quite dead nowadays, or at best stuck in its time, but it had interesting concepts and it does tell something, also about the possible failure of such attempts. Will SILE, Typst, Patoline, etc. stand the test of time? Ah!