tajpulo / arewedigitaltypesettingyet.com

"Are we digital typesetting yet?" tries to give an overview over digital typesetting solutions
MIT License
5 stars 1 forks source link

= arewedigitaltypesettingyet.com

author:: tajpulo version:: 3 (2023-04-08) issue-tracking:: link:https://github.com/tajpulo/arewedigitaltypesettingyet.com/issues[on github]

link:https://arewedigitaltypesettingyet.com/[arewedigitaltypesettingyet.com] tries to give users an overview over existing solutions.

== Who should use it?

Everyone who cares about digital typesetting.

== How does one use it?

Provide a pull request, I will deploy it.

== How does one run it?

If you actually want to build the website, all jekyll files should be in the repository, but I did not document the steps. I execute …

bundle exec jekyll build --source website --destination _site --trace --strict_front_matter

in the root directory to generate the website.

== Changelog

v1:: data only showed links to the projects v2:: more information about each project was added, website lists {license, contributors, publication date, I/O formats} v3:: implemented feedback by caleb