taketwo / ds

PCL grabber for DepthSense devices
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This is a PCL grabber for DepthSense devices (e.g. Creative Senz3D, SoftKinetic DS325) that supports both Linux and Windows versions of the SDK.

Note: the grabber has been merged into upstream PCL and will be a part of the next release (1.8.0). This repository is kept only for historical reasons.


  1. Point Cloud Library 1.7.2

  2. SoftKinetic DepthSense SDK



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/taketwo/ds.git ds
    cd ds
  2. Copy the contents of third-party/compatibility to the lib directory of the SDK installation. For example, assuming that SDK was installed in /opt/softkinetic/DepthSenseSDK (default), do:

    sudo cp third-party/compatibility/* /opt/softkinetic/DepthSenseSDK/lib/
  3. Configure and build the project:

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=Release ..
    make depth_sense_viewer


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Configure this project using cmake-gui.
  3. Open and build the created Visual Studio solution.

Depth Sense Viewer

Connect a DepthSense camera and run the depth_sense_viewer executable.

Depth Sense Viewer

Run with --help option to see the usage guide:

*                                                                          *
*                       DEPTH SENSE VIEWER - Usage Guide                   *
*                                                                          *

Usage: ./depth_sense_viewer [Options] device_id


     --help, -h : Show this help
     --list, -l : List connected DepthSense devices
     --xyz      : View XYZ-only clouds

Keyboard commands:

   When the focus is on the viewer window, the following keyboard commands
   are available:
     * t/T : increase or decrease depth data confidence threshold
     * k   : enable next temporal filtering method
     * b   : toggle bilateral filtering
     * a/A : increase or decrease bilateral filter spatial sigma
     * z/Z : increase or decrease bilateral filter range sigma
     * s   : save the last grabbed cloud to disk
     * h   : print the list of standard PCL viewer commands


   The device to grab data from is selected using device_id argument. It
   could be either:
     * serial number (e.g. YZVF0780239000261D)
     * device index (e.g. #2 for the second connected device)

   If device_id is not given, then the first available device will be used.