taku-nm / auto-cli

a simple script to automate the usage of revanced cli
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ReVanced CLI Automation

Just download (on PC) and double click. It is that simple.

(You might have to click on "More info" and then "Run anyways")

An overview on what it does (in case you're curious) Setup: 1. create the revanced-cli folder at the default install location (appdata/local) 2. download input.json - this is used as a config file for tools and apps 3. check and validate curl - download it if needed 4. check and validate portable jdk - download it if needed 5. check and validate revanced tools (cli, patched, integrations) - download them if needed 6. generate a list of available apps to patch based on the input.json Patching: 1. check the user input, and download the appropiate apk or run the custom routine 2. validate the APK and initiate patching based on the selected Clean-up: 1. Once patching is completed, rename the patched app to PATCHED_*.apk 2. delete various files and folders that have been dropped by CLI 3. Save a backup of the apk and your keystore to the install path


A visual demonstration ![auto-cli-screenshot-new](https://github.com/taku-nm/auto-cli/assets/23640508/81e545af-86b1-400f-a58a-4ae385164797)