talamoig / icinga

icinga2 puppet module
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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with icinga
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module installs Icinga 2 giving you the opportunity to select the components to install (backend, Web 1.x frontent, Classic frontent).

It is available as a module at Puppet Forge and on GitHub.

Module Description

This module installs:

The web interface icingaweb2 is available as a separate module at github and puppet forge.

The credential to access the database MUST have been created before the installation.

By default the modules assumes that the database schema has already been created on the database backend but if the initdb => true is provided it will create it for you. The initdb option is available for both Icinga 2 backend and Icinga Web 1.x interface classes.

Please use the initdb with caution, since if any data is already present on the database they will be cleared.

Both MySQL and PostgreSQL database are supported and the commands executed to init the database on the icinga class is for MySQL:

mysql -u root -p icinga < /usr/share/icinga2-ido-mysql/schema/mysql.sql

and for PostgreSQL:

psql -U icinga -d icinga < /usr/share/icinga2-ido-pgsql/schema/pgsql.sql

For further information please read the
MySQL and PostgreSQL on the official Icinga 2 documentation.


What icinga affects

The yum repository installation can be disabled passing with_repo => False to the icinga class.

Setup Requirements

A database (local or remote) with proper credential must be available.

Beginning with icinga

To install Icinga with default parameters

 class {'::icinga': }

With default parameters icinga will connect to a MySQL database on localhost named icinga. The used credentials are icinga/icinga as username/password. This is equivalent to:

 class {'::icinga':
   dbtype     => 'mysql',
   dbhost     => 'localhost',
   dbuser     => 'icinga',
   dbpasswd   => 'icinga',
   dbname     => 'icinga',

The parameters names are self-explainatory. dbtype can be mysql of pgsql for PostgreSQL database. Other two available parameters are enabled_features and disabled_features, eg:

enabled_features => ['api', 'syslog']

The list of available/disabled features can be obtained with the icinga2 feature list command from command line. The ido-mysql or ido-pgsql (for database interface) feature is installed automatically according to the dbtype parameter.

For using the Icinga Web 1.x interface you will need at least the following features: 'statusdata', 'compatlog', 'command'.

Installing the Classic UI

To install the Classic UI set with_classicui => true as parameter to the icinga class or with:


You can also create users to the Classic UI with eg:

icinga::classicui::user {'username':
  passwd => 'HashPa22worD',

The HashPa22worD is a typical htpasswd hash and can be generated with htpasswd -n username. This features requires this htpasswd puppet module to be installed.

Installing the Icinga Web 1.x

To install the Icinga Web 1.x set with_webgui => true as parameter to the icinga class or


If you provide the initdb => true parameter it will also create the database schema if the right credentials have been created on the database.

Typical Scenarios

Here we describe some typical setups for Icinga.

Scenario 1: All-in-one

In this setup we have a node that will host:

This installation requires the following puppet modules installed:

Such a node can be configured with the following puppet code:


  initdb           => true,
  with_classicui   => true,
  enabled_features => ['statusdata', 'compatlog', 'command'],

  initdb              => true,    

class { '::mysql::server':
  root_password           => 'strongpassword',
  remove_default_accounts => true,
  override_options        => $override_options

class { 'apache':
  purge_configs => false,   

 class {'::apache::mod::php': }

mysql::db { 'icinga':
  user     => 'icinga',
  password => 'icinga',
  host     => 'localhost',
  grant    => ['ALL'],

mysql::db { 'icinga_web':
  user     => 'icinga_web',
  password => 'icinga_web',
  host     => 'localhost',
  grant    => ['ALL'],


The module has been tested on Scientific Linux 6, CentOS 6 and Ubuntu 14 with Puppet 3.1.1 and 3.7.4. It should work on most Redhat or Debian linux distributions.

The icinga::classicui class is available only on RedHat.

Release Notes/Contributors/Etc Optional

If you aren't using changelog, put your release notes here (though you should consider using changelog). You may also add any additional sections you feel are necessary or important to include here. Please use the ## header.