tallstreet / jaikuenginepatch

JaikuEngine converted to appenginepatch
Apache License 2.0
15 stars 3 forks source link

Jaikuenginepatch is jaikuengine (http://code.google.com/p/jaikuengine/) ported to run on appenginepatch (http://code.google.com/p/app-engine-patch/)

Steps to create jaikuenginepatch from jaikuengine.

  1. Checkout jaikuengine

  2. Checkout appenginepatch

  3. Start jaikuengine to build the zip files

  4. Rename the common folder to jaikucommon

  5. grep the code and change from common to from jaikucommon

  6. Copy the common folder from appenginepatch to jaikuengine

  7. Move the zip files into /common/zip-packages (except django.zip, just delete that one because appenginepatch comes with its own)

  8. Delete the settings.py, local_settings.py, dev_settings.py and main.py, manage.py, and app.yaml

  9. Delete the folders .google_appengine, vendor, appengine_django

  10. Copy the manage.py from appengine patch, and use the app.yaml and settings.py that I have used

  11. From jaikucommon/models.py

delete this line:

import appengine_django.models as aed_models

also change: class ApiMixinModel(aed_models.BaseModel):

to class ApiMixinModel(models.Model):

  1. grep through the code and replace '.*/templates/ with '

  2. grep throuh *.json replace common. with jaikucommon.

  3. in jaikucommon/mail.py change email/ to jaikucommon/email/

  4. run python manage.py loaddata jaikucommon/fixtures/*.json

  5. run python manage.py runserver