talofer99 / AZIP_ESP32

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ESP32 Arduino Z-code Interpreter Program - with VGA and PS2 Keyboard

This version of the Z-code interpreter is derived from Jzip created by John Holder. More information about Jzip, including the source code can by found here: http://jzip.sourceforge.net/

The original Code for the AZIP is a copy of this git project https://github.com/talofer99/AZIP

*** UPDATE 26/4/2021:

Thanks to @guidol70 the SD was moved the pinout of the TTGO VGA32 and the SD init was chnaged.

define SS 13.

define SDMHZ 25

define SPIINIT 14,2,12,SS // TTGO_VGA32 (sck, miso, mosi, cs)


QUIT command the board will restart to allow choosing new game. TODO: work out the save/load and then we can choose new game without restart.

Software Dependencies: SDFAT library: https://github.com/greiman/SdFat fabGL library: https://github.com/fdivitto/FabGL

Hardware Dependencies: Formatted SD card - fat16 use SD card Formater

The fabgl library has schamtics for the VGA and the PS2 connections. I used the original pinout for the ps2, but moved 2 of the VGA pins that were using SPI pins that were needed for the SD card.

Getting Started Steps:

  1. Copy a Z-Machine game file to the SD card and name it "ZORKI.DAT".
  2. Compile and upload the sketch to the Arduino.

I have include a copy Mini-Zork I downloaded from here: http://www.ifarchive.org/indexes/if-archiveXinfocomXdemos.html

Game files can be found several places on the internet, a good source for games is The Interactive Fiction Archive: http://www.ifarchive.org/indexes/if-archiveXgamesXzcode.html

Zork I, II, and III can be downloaded here: http://www.infocom-if.org/downloads/downloads.html

Limitations: Due to the limits of RAM and FLASH, removed most of the screen handling capability. Game save and restore capability are removed.