talosh / flameTimewarpML

Flame Machine Learning Timewarp. based on arXiv2020-RIFE
MIT License
34 stars 9 forks source link


Readme for version 0.4.4 and earlier: Readme v0.4.4

Table of Contents



Installing from package - Linux

Installing from package - MacOS

Installing and configuring python environment manually

sh ~/Downloads/Miniconda3-py311_24.1.2-0-Linux-x86_64.sh -bfsm -p ~/miniconda3
eval "$(~/miniconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)"
conda create --name appenv --clone base
conda activate appenv
conda install pyqt
conda install numpy
conda install conda-pack
conda install pytorch::pytorch torchvision -c pytorch
conda pack --ignore-missing-files -n appenv
mkdir  {flameTimewarpML folder}/packages/.miniconda/appenv/
tar xvf appenv.tar.gz -C {flameTimewarpML folder}/packages/.miniconda/appenv/
rm appenv.tar.gz


Finetune for specific shot or set of shots

Finetune option is avaliable as a menu item starting from 0.4.5 dev 003

Finetune using command line script

Export as Linear ACEScg (AP1) Uncompressed OpenEXR sequence. Export your shots so each shot are in separate folder. Copy pre-trained model file (large or lite) to the file to train with. If motion is fast place the whole shot or its parts with fast motion to "fast" folder.

cd {flameTimewarpML folder}
./train.sh --state_file {Path to copied state file}/MyShot001.pth --generalize 1 --lr 4e-6 --acescc 0 --onecycle 1000 {Path to shot}/{fast}/

Train your own model

cd {flameTimewarpML folder}
./train.sh --state_file {Path to MyModel}/MyModel001.pth --model flownet4_v004 --batch_size 4 {Path to Dataset}/

Batch size and learning rate

The batch size and learning rate are two crucial hyperparameters that significantly affect the training process and empirical tuning is necessary here. When the batch size is increased, the learning rate can often be increased as well. A common heuristic is the linear scaling rule: when you multiply the batch size by a factor k, you can also multiply the learning rate by k. Another approach is the square root scaling rule: when you multiply the batch size by k multiply the learning rate by sqrt(k)

Dataset preparation

Training script will scan all the folders under a given path and will compose training samples out of folders where .exr files are found. Only Uncompressed OpenEXR files are supported at the moment.

Export your shots so each shot are in separate folder. There are two magic words in shot path: "fast" and "slow" When "fast" is in path 3-frame window will be used for those shots. When "slow" is in path 9-frame window will be used. Default window size is 5 frames. Put shots with fast motion in "fast" folder and shots where motion are slow and continious to "slow" folder to let the model learn more intermediae ratios.

Window size

Samples for training are 3 frames and ratio. The model is given the first and the last frame and tries to re-create middle frame at given ratio.

[TODO] - add documentation