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MeSDK Library the MeSDK provides a light and small object implementation for core developing it includes the MeObjects, MeRTTI, and MeAOP etc.

The MeAOP Library is Aspect Oriented Programming for delphi. IMO, the aspect is the general feature in fact. It's a helper for object-oriented programming to re-use the feature(function), such as the Login feature. Aspect Oriented Programming attempts to aid programmers in the separation of features, or the breaking down of a program into distinct parts that overlap in functionality as little as possible.


TMeDynamicObject summary: the abstract MeObject mini-class.

TMeNamedObject add the name property and assign virtual method.

TMeComponent set the name property will be added to GComponentNameList.

TMeInterfacedObject supports the FreeNotifies and Destroyed only when reference count < 0

TMeContainer abstract data Container

TMeList Simple list of pointers. It is used instead of standard VCL TList. TMeList stores any kind data (or pointers to these ones). Can be created calling function New(PMeList, Create) or use as the record object directly.

TMeStrings maintains a list of strings.

TMeDynamicMemory supports the Dynamic Memory can auto increase the memory size

TMeStream abstract stream object

TMeNamedObjects maintains the PMeNamedObject list.

helper functions:

function NewMeObject(const aClass: TMeClass): PMeDynamicObject; summary: create a instance by the aClass:TypeOf(TMeList).

procedure MeFreeAndNil(var Obj); {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF} summary: Frees an object reference and replaces the reference with nil.

function MeTypeOf(const aObj: TMeVMTHelper): TMeClass; {$IFDEF PUREPASCAL}{$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} MeTypeOf(aObj) = TypeOf(aObj) = TMeClass(aObj) It Should cast the aObj directly !! the MeTypeOf is not useful!

function MeSizeOf(const aObj: TMeVMTHelper): Integer; {$IFDEF PUREPASCAL}{$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE}inline;{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} summary return the size of aObj.

function MeInheritsFrom(aClass: TMeClass; const aParentClass: TMeClass): Boolean; Summary: Determines the relationship of two object types. Use InheritsFrom to determine if a particular class type or object is an instance of a class or one of its descendants. InheritsFrom returns true if the object type specified in the aClass parameter is an ancestor of the object type or the type of the object itself. Otherwise, it returns false.

function SetMeVirtualMethod(const aClass: TMeClass; const Offset: Integer; const Method: Pointer): Pointer; summary: replace the VirtualMethod of the MeObject to new Method Pointer. return the original method entry pointer. Note: first you must set the proper parent class type via SetMeVirtualMethod in the initiliazation section: SetMeVirtualMethod(TypeOf(TMeInterfacedObject), ovtVmtParent, TypeOf(TMeDynamicObject));

function FindMeComponent(const Name: String): PMeComponent;

function GComponentNameList: PMeList;

procedure SortIntegerArray(var A : array of Integer); Summary procedure to sort array of integers.

procedure SortDwordArray(var A : array of LongWord); Summary Procedure to sort array of unsigned 32-bit integers.

procedure SortData(const Data: Pointer; const aCount: LongWord; const CompareFun: TCompareEvent; const SwapProc: TSwapEvent); Summary Call it to sort any array of data of any kind, passing total number of items in an array and two defined (regular) function and procedure to perform custom compare and swap operations. First procedure parameter is to pass it to callback function CompareFun and procedure SwapProc. Items are enumerated from 0 to aCount-1.

procedure FillListIn(List: TMeList; FromIdx, Count, Value: Integer); Summary Very fast fill Value to List elements from List[FromIdx] to List[FromIdx+Count-1]. Given elements must exist. Count must be > 0.

uMeStream.pas the stream objects It is used instead of standard VCL Stream class. TMeFileStream TMeMemoryStream

uMeLog.pas the Logging of Application class.

TMeCustomLogger the abstract logger class for logging . TMeCustomLogger is an abstract class that defines a framework for logging general purposed information.

TMeRootLogger the singleton root logger class for logging AddLogger the logger object here. the logging message can be sent to the AddLoggered logger.

TMeStringsLogger for logging information to the MeStrings.

TMeStreamLogger abstract stream logger for logging information to the MeStream.

TMeDebugLogger for logging information to the DebugOutput stream. extends the framework for logging information to the DebugOutput stream.

TMeDebugLogger provides a flexible means of selecting the destination of log messages. Messages can be written to either a file or the WIN32 API Debug Output stream.

TMeDebugLogger is very useful for capturing information for debugging, trouble-shooting, and general feedback purposes.

function GLogger: PMeRootLogger;

how to usage: // do not free these loggers added to the GLogger will do this for u.. GLogger.AddLogger(New(PMeStringsLogger, Create(vStrs))); GLogger.AddLogger(New(PMeDebugLogger, Create));


uMeLoggerEx the extented logger objects.

TMeFileLogger Summary for logging information to the file.

uMeCoroutine implements the coroutine object. (main algo code come from sjrd (based on an idea of Bart van der Werf)) CoRoutines management classes CoRoutines provides two main classes. TMeCustomCoRoutine is the base class for CoRoutine management. TMeCoRoutineEnumerator is a derived class, specialised in Delphi 2005 enumerators implementation. This unit needs tests under Windows 95/98/Me, in case of growth of the stack, because PAGE_GUARD is not supported under these versions.

TMeCustomCoRoutine CoRoutine support class The Resume method can't be executed twice at the same moment. It can't be called simultaneously in two separate threads ; nor can it be called from Execute (which should cause recursive call). However, it can be called successively by two separate threads.

The Execute method shoud test for the Terminating property after each call
to Yield, and terminate itself gracefully if Terminating is True. It will
be set so when the TMeCustomCoRoutine object must release itself, before running
the CoRoutine again. If you call Yield when Terminating is True, an
ECoRoutineTerminating exception will be raised in order to ensure that
Execute ends immediately.

The amount of simultaneous instances of TMeCustomCoRoutine must never exceed 32 K,
because each one must reserve a virtual memory range of 64 Ko minimum.


TMeCoRoutineEnumerator the abstract enumerator running in a CoRoutine In order to obtain a concrete enumerator, you must override the Execute and SetNextValue methods, and define a Current property. The Execute method can call Yield many times with any value as a parameter. The SetNextValue must store this value, and the Current property should read it. @author sjrd, based on an idea of Sergey Antonov @version 1.0

uMeYield.pas the another CoRoutine implementation(no switch stack) (main algo code come from Sergey Antonov.)

TMeCustomCoRoutine TMeCoRoutineEnumerator

uRegExpr.pas The Initial Developers of the Original Code are Andrey V. Sorokin(RegExpr). v. 0.948+ 2003-12-17 by riceball

uMeRegExpr.pas the RegExpr extension object

uMeRegExprCoRoutine.pas the CoRountine object of the MeRegExpr

uMeThread.pas the Thread object for the MeSDK Core.

TMeAbstractThread used to instead of the Borland Thread Class

TMeTask the abstract task object

TMeCustomThread the abstract thread with task

TMeThread the thread with task supported. the task can be schedule task. the task can be destroyed when thread free. One thread can run a task again and again until stop. a task: beforeRun, Run, afterRun Cleanup you can change task after Cleanup. One thread can run different task one by one. Thread.Terminate: Terminate the thread. the thread can not be re-used. thread.Stop: if the StopMode is smSuspend then it can be re-used. it always be sure the AfterRun can be executed.

aThread := NewThreadTask(myTask);

TMeThreadMgrTask the TMeThreadMgrTask task uses manage the threads with pool(if set the FMaxThreads is greater than 0). the task will be free automatic after done if FreeTask is true. note: if the exception occur even the FreeTask is false, it will still free the task when thread free. unless override the task.HandleException method and set the aThread.task := nil;

 FThreadForMgr := New(PMeThread, Create(New(PMeThreadMgr, Create)));
 //FThreadForMgr.Name := 'The Thread For Mgr'; //need check the compiler directive: NamedThread!

vMgr := PMeThreadMgr(FThreadForMgr.Task);
for i := 1 to 3 do
  New(vTask, Create);
  vTask.Id := i;
  vTask.Count := i;
  vMgr.Add(vTask); //the task can be added after running too.

TMeThreadMgr the thread run the the TMeThreadMgrTask task.

function NewThreadTask(const aTask: PMeTask): PMeThread; Summary: create a thread instance with aTask.

procedure EnterMainThread; procedure LeaveMainThread; EnterMainThread/LeaveMainThread can be used to temporary switch to the main thread. The code that should be synchonized (blocking) has to be put into a try/finally block and the LeaveMainThread() function must be called from the finally block. A missing try/finally will lead to an access violation.

uMeSyncObjs.pas collects the thread synchronization objects instead of the standard SyncObjs of Delphi.




uMeSysUtils.pas some helper functions and classes.

TMeThreadSafeList Summary: represents a thread-safe list.

procedure AddFreeNotification(const aInstance : TObject; const aProc : TFreeNotifyProc); Summary: Ensures that aProc is notified that the aInstance is going to be destroyed.} Desccription: Use AddFreeNotification to register aProc that should be notified when the aInstance is about to be destroyed.

procedure RemoveFreeNotification(const aInstance : TObject; const aProc : TFreeNotifyProc); Summary: Disables destruction notification that was enabled by AddFreeNotification.} Description: RemoveFreeNotification removes the NotificationProc specified by the aProc parameter from the internal list of procedures to be notified that the aInstance is about to be destroyed. aProc is added to this list by a previous call to the AddFreeNotification function.

//the thread safe version: function FormatDateTimeS(const Format: string; aDateTime: TDateTime): string; function FormatS(const aFormat: string; const Args: array of const): string; function TimeToStrS(const aTime: TDateTime): string; function DateToStrS(const aDate: TDateTime): string; function DateTimeToStrS(const aDateTime: TDateTime): string;

procedure GetDefaultFormatSettings(var Result: TFormatSettings);

//return GMT now. function GMTNow: TDateTime;

uMeInjector the method(procedure) Code Injector Provide the lightest and simplest injector object -- TMeInjector. This object do not use any virtual method, so you can use it directly. Each injector only take 36 bytes about in the memory. One injector maintains the one injected method(procedure) only. Call the InjectXXX Method to inject. The injector object is the smallest, simplest and fastest object in the MeAOP .

TMeInjector Provide the lightest and simplest injector object to inject function or method. This object do not use any virtual method, so you can use it directly. Each injector only take 36 bytes about in the memory. One injector maintains the one injected method(procedure) only. Call the InjectXXX Method to inject. The injector object is the smallest, simplest and fastest object in the MeAOP .

Usage: var OldMessageBoxFunc: function (hWnd: HWND; lpText, lpCaption: PChar; uType: UINT): Integer; stdcall = nil;

function NewMessageBoxFunc(hWnd: HWND; lpText, lpCaption: PChar; uType: UINT): Integer; stdcall; var S: String; begin S := UpperCase(lpText); Result := OldMessageBoxFunc(hWnd, PChar(S), PChar('MeInjector:'+lpCaption), uType) end;

var vMsgBoxInjector: TMeInjector;

begin vMsgBoxInjector.InjectProcedure(@MessageBox, @NewMessageBoxFunc); @OldMessageBoxFunc := vMsgBoxInjector.OriginalProc

//the string 'the injected message box' should be UpperCase now. MessageBox(0, 'the injected message box','Demo2', 0);

vMsgBoxInjector.Enabled := False; end.

uMeURI.pas Represents the Uniform Resource Identifier object.

uMeURL.pas the abstract Uniform/Universal Resource Accessor class and factory.

I treat the Aspect Oriented Programming as Feature Oriented Programming.