talpadk / ptouch-php

A php driver for Brother P-touch lable printers
MIT License
15 stars 2 forks source link

A php class for printing out labels on Brother P-touch printers

Supported models include (PT-P700, PT-H500, PT-E500)

What to expect

The code is being developed / tested using a PT-P700, but the protocol should be the same on all three models.

The php class is intended to be used as part of a web page allowing it to print labels on a printer connected to the web server.
However the code also includes some php scripts to allow printing from the command line.

This is NOT A CUPS DRIVER nor is cups or any other printer systems required to print.


sudo apt-get install php5 php5-gd

The user running the command/script must have permission to use the USB device.
Please consider looking into using udev to grant you permission to use the printer.
Alternatively you can test the script using 'sudo'.



A class for printing GD images, see the code for doxygen comments explaining how to use it


Usage: ptouch-img path_to_file

The image file may be a .png .jpg or .gif.
It must currently be 128 pixels high.
Only the red value of the pixels are considered in order to determine if a black pixel should be printed

As an example from a fresh git clone:

 sudo ./ptouch-utils/ptouch-img test/test.png