Hindlebook: A distributed social networking platform
Live Server
API Documentation
API Docs
API Tests
Model Tests
Requirements Part 1
- [X] Provide a webservice interface that is restful
- [X] Enforce some authentication
- [X] implement a restful API for service/post/postid
- a PUT should insert/update a post
- a POST should get the post
- a GET should get the post
- [X] Allow users to accept or reject friend requests
- [X] implement author profiles via service/author/userid
- [X] friend querying via POSTs to service/friends/userid
- [X] friend2friend querying via GETs to service/friends/userid1/userid2
- [X] Provide a web UI interface that is usable
- [X] friend requests can be made by POSTing a friend request to service/friendrequest
- [X] service/author/posts (posts that are visible to the currently authenticated user)
- [X] service/author/{AUTHOR_ID}/posts (all posts made by {AUTHOR_ID} visible to the currently authenticated user)
Requirements Part 2
- [X] Implement the webservice as described in the user stories
- [ ] Prove your project by connecting with at least 2 other groups.
- [ ] Make a video demo of your blog (desktop-recorder is ok)
- [ ] Make a presentation about your blog
- [X] Follow the guidelines in the example-article.json for the URLs and services
- [ ] FOAF verification involves the 3 hosts of the 3 friends A->B->C assuming A B C reside on different host
User Story Modules