tamboto2000 / golinkedin

Golinkedin is a library written in pure golang for scraping Linkedin
MIT License
41 stars 14 forks source link
golang linkedin-internal-api linkedin-profile-scraper linkedin-scraper

v2 is on the way!

At the beginning, this library is created because of my previous job which involve scraping social media platforms, the intended purpose of this library is to get the Linkedin data as much as possible but still follow the raw structure that Linkedin has, which is to be frank, a ball of tangled mess of JSON. Now that a lot of people starting to use this library too I think it is time for me to be a bit more serious to maintain this. So with that in mind, I announce that there will be V2 of this library, which will introduce much simpler data structure and will be much more easy to use, and of course, much more clearer documentation. If anybody wants to help me, feel free to do so. Thanks!

- Franklin


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Golinkedin is a library for scraping Linkedin. Unfortunately, auto login is impossible (probably...), so you need to retrieve Linkedin session cookies manually. As mentioned above, the purpose of this package is only for scraping, so there is no method for create, update, or delete data. Not all object is documented or present because the original author does not fully understand the purpose of some object returned by Linkedin internal API, and because the nature of Linkedin internal API that treat almost every object as optional, empty field or object will not be returned by Linkedin internal API, so some object or fields might be missing. Feel free to fork and contribute!

Current Features

Upcoming Features


This package require go version 1.14 or above. Make sure you have go modules activated.

$ GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/tamboto2000/golinkedin

Full Profile Lookup Example

package main

import (


func main() {
    ln := golinkedin.New()

    profile, err := ln.ProfileByUsername("linkedin_username")
    if err != nil {

    f, err := os.Create("profile.json")
    if err != nil {

    if err := json.NewEncoder(f).Encode(profile); err != nil {

Search Geo Example

package main

import (


func main() {
    ln := golinkedin.New()

    // search geo
    geoNode, err := searchGeo(ln, "USA")
    if err != nil {

    f, err := os.Create("geo.json")
    if err != nil {

    if err := json.NewEncoder(f).Encode(geoNode); err != nil {

func searchGeo(ln *golinkedin.Linkedin, keyword string) (*golinkedin.GeoNode, error) {
    geoNode, err := ln.SearchGeo(keyword)
    if err != nil {

    geos := make([]golinkedin.Geo, 0)
    for geoNode.Next() {
        geos = append(geos, geoNode.Elements...)
        if len(geos) >= 20 {

    geoNode.Elements = geos

    return geoNode, nil

For now, every Node have SetLinkedin(), Error() error, and Next() bool method, except for ProfileNode

