tameeshB / e-Voting

Anonymous and reliable polling app with a simple, intuitive UX that also takes care of the complexities like privacy, integrity and security behind the scenes.
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anonymity django voting


Travis-CI Django Python

Polling app with a simple, intuitive UX that also takes care of the complexities like privacy, integrity and security behind the scenes.

Docker Deployment:

  1. docker-compose --env-file .env build
  2. docker-compose --env-file .env up -d
  3. docker-compose exec web bash /evoting/init_migrate_db.sh --load-template-data

apt/brew Dependencies

  1. Python : >=3.5
  2. Chrome : >=68 (for running functional tests)
  3. virtualenv : *
  4. MySQL Server : >=8.0.13


  1. virtualenv -p python3 voting
  2. source voting/bin/activate
  3. clone https://github.com/tameeshB/e-Voting.git
  4. cd e-Voting
  5. nano .env;source .env # and edit with mysql and webmail credentials.
  6. pip install -r REQUIREMENTS.txt
  7. python manage.py makemigrations
  8. python manage.py migrate
  9. python manage.py loaddata templateMigrationData.json
  10. python manage.py runserver

Admin Actions and Initialization

  1. Replace necessary global variables in the polls/globals.py file. Make sure to set a random secret key in secretHash and clientKey to desired password for the init console at /init.
  2. Create an admin user with the credentials: source .env;python manage.py createsuperuser and enter desired credentials.
  3. Login with the generated credentials at http://localhost/admin.
  4. Use the "Token Dashboard" to generate one-time login tokens to hand out to voters.
  5. Use the "Poll Control Panel" to control the poll status: Start/Stop the Poll. Count and Publish/Unpublish the results.
  6. Before the poll starts, all computers that will be used by the voters must be initialized by visiting /init the client-key to be used here is the one in the polls/globals.py.

Run Tests (continue from above setup step 8)

  1. wget https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.43/chromedriver_linux64.zip # linux
  2. unzip chromedriver_linux64.zip
  3. sudo chmod +x chromedriver
  4. export webdriver_chrome=$PWD/chromedriver
  5. export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/chromedriver
  6. python manage.py runserver & # run server in background if not already started
  7. python manage.py test tests/ # run the tests
  8. kill %1 # stop server running in background

Problems this app addresses

  1. Eliminating manual ballot system.
  2. Counting of ballots is a long and laborious process.
  3. Wastage of paper.
  4. Any simple app made for this purpose might have privacy, security and integrity issues.

Some screenshots

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