tamil-wiki / mediawiki-backup-restore

Docker image for backup MySQL and Mediawiki config into S3
MIT License
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backup mediawiki mysql s3

Backup and Restore Mediawiki DB and Config

This docker image will backup the mediawiki database (MySQL based) and config files (full mediawiki folder including extensions, images, skin and etc.,) into given s3 bucket.

Development setup


To start the backup container

docker-compose build backup
docker-compose up -d backup

The required environmental variables are

MYSQL_HOST - Host or IP address of MySQL instance



MYSQLDUMP_DATABASE - Database to backup



S3_BUCKET - Bucket name

Optionals are

MYSQL_PORT - Default 3306.

S3_ENDPOINT - Use this respective endpoint if its minio or digitalocean spaces

S3_PREFIX - Mention this different folder from the root

S3_REGION - Default is us-west-1

CRON_TIME_HOURLY = 0 /1 (every 1 hour) CRON_TIME_DAILY = 30 /24 (every 24 hours , 30mins past mid night) CRON_TIME_WEEKLY = 0 3 SUN (3am on SUNDAY) CRON_TIME_MONTHLY = 0 4 1 (4am on 1st of every month)

S3_LIFECYCLE_EXPIRATION_DAYS_FOR_HOURLY_BACKUP=1 - retain for 24 hours - 24 copies S3_LIFECYCLE_EXPIRATION_DAYS_FOR_DAILY_BACKUP=7 - retain for 7 days - 7 copies S3_LIFECYCLE_EXPIRATION_DAYS_FOR_WEEKLY_BACKUP=31 - retain 4 copies (1 month) S3_LIFECYCLE_EXPIRATION_DAYS_FOR_MONTHLY_BACKUP=365 - retain 12 copies (1 year)

INIT_BACKUP - To run backup at startup. Default is 0 disabled.

S3_LIFECYCLE_EXPIRATION_DAYS - To set the s3 lifecycle expiration days. Default is 0 disabled. More info

This will backup MySQL database and everything in /mediawiki mounted folder.


To restore the from s3 backup

docker-compose run backup restore

Then you will entered into a shell. By default it will display the latest 10 backup files like below

docker-compose run --rm backup restore
Creating mediawiki-backup-restore_backup_run ... done
2022/03/06 15:39:13 Waiting for: tcp://db:3306
2022/03/06 15:39:13 Connected to tcp://db:3306
2022-03-06 07:50:04  440 Bytes 2022-03-06T075000Z.dump.sql.gz
2022-03-06 07:45:04  441 Bytes 2022-03-06T074500Z.dump.sql.gz
2022-03-06 07:40:04  440 Bytes 2022-03-06T074000Z.dump.sql.gz
2022-03-06 07:37:23  440 Bytes 2022-03-06T073718Z.dump.sql.gz

The required env with above is



The available commands are

restore <fileName>

The fileName will be without extensions like 2022-03-06T075000Z or latest

For example

bash-5.1# restore 2022-03-06T075000Z
Restoring Started at 2022-03-06T155133Z
Restoring DB my_wiki ...
Restoring DB my_wiki success!
Restoring Ends at 2022-03-06T155144Z

If you want to restore any other backup from weekly/daily/hourly folders, you can prefix it.

list_s3 daily
restore daily/2022-09-27T154250Z.daily

To validate the restore

Set your S3 credentials in .env file. Then

docker-compose up -d db
docker-compose run --rm -e "RESTORE_DATABASE=my_wiki" backup restore

Then exec into the restore container

To override anything on restore

docker-compose run --rm -e "RESTORE_DATABASE=new_my_wiki" -v "/var/www/html:/mediawiki" backup restore


docker-compose run --help

S3 Clean up

While retention policy on s3 is supposed to keep the folders tidy, these commands might help manually remove files when they are not necessary.

$AWS_ARGS is loaded within the backup container. Run the following manually to populate credentials.


You can run the following to list and delete files.

source restore.sh
list_s3 hourly
aws $AWS_ARGS s3 rm s3://$S3_BUCKET/wiki/testing/hourly/ --dryrun --recursive --exclude "*" --include "*.gz"

The --dryrun flag does not delete files, instead shows what would be deleted. When you are confident about deleting the files listed, you can run the command without the --dryrun flag.