tamimNumrah / GifCollectionView

Drop in Gif Collection View. Uses Tenor as GIFs provider.
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Drop in GIF Collection View. Uses Tenor as default GIFs provider. This will allow you to easily integrate GIF image search into your app or you can use this as a GIF keyboard for your messaging needs. You can also use TenorAPIManager to use Endpoints provided by Tenor API.

The library consists of 2 major components

  1. GifCollectionView, which provides a simple View for search, and callbacks for selected images so you can quickly integrate GIFs in to your app. You can also implement your own GifProvider with another GIF service (e.g: GIPHY) and supply the provider to GifCollectionView.

  2. TenorAPIManager, which provides an API layer to access Tenor. This does not require you to use GifCollectionView, and can be used standalone.




CocoaPods (iOS 12.0+, OS X 10.15+)

You can use CocoaPods to install GifCollectionView by adding it to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '12.0'

target 'MyApp' do
    pod 'GifCollectionView'



import GifCollectionView

Simply initialize GifCollectionView like any other view and provide appropriate constraints.

gifCollectionView = GifCollectionView.init()
gifCollectionView.delegate = self

In order to load Gifs using Tenor you must supply your own Tenor API Key.

gifCollectionView.setTenorApiKey(apiKey: "YOUR_TENOR_API_KEY")

Or you can supply your own Gifs provider by conforming to GifProvider protocol

gifCollectionView.replaceProvider(<#T##provider: GifProvider##GifProvider#>)

You can receive callbacks for selected images using GifCollectionViewDelegate.

public protocol GifCollectionViewDelegate: AnyObject {
    func didSelectGifItem(gifItem: GifItem)
    func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)

Tenor APIs

There are many endpoints provided by Tenor such as Search, Trending GIFs etc. Which you can easily use by initializing dedicaed endpoint structs such as TenorEndpointSearch and TenorEndpointTrending.

TenorAPIManager Initialization

let apiManager = TenorAPIManager()

Usage of Endpoints

let search = TenorEndpointSearch.init(key: "YOUR_TENOR_API_KEY", q: "SearchText")
apiManager.makeTenorWebRequest(endpoint: search) { success, response in                
let trending = TenorEndpointTrending.init(key: "YOUR_TENOR_API_KEY")
apiManager.makeTenorWebRequest(endpoint: trending) { success, response in                


If you have questions on how to integrate GifCollectionView into your project, feel free to create an issue and we'll try to help the best we can. Pull Requests and bug fixes are wellcome.

Apps using GifCollectionView

If you have an app using GifCollectionView, let me know and I'll link to it here.