tamitchell / weatherapp

A React Based Application that uses OpenWeather's web API to gather weather data and Geocodio's API to render weather conditions based on user's desired location
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First Watch Weather App

First Watch Weather is a weather app I initially developed inspired by the design of Dark Sky for desktop. My aim was simply to provide the same clean, simple interface on the web. After Dark Sky got bought out by Apple, I updated the design slightly and switched to the OpenWeather API for weather updates. I use the free tier, so updates happen on a slower cadence and may be outdated when comparing with the actual site data, specifically for the 5-day forecast. The work flow remains the same, however - users can verify the current conditions of their current location or any other location with the aid of the location search provided by Google.

Like many projects, this app continuously grows in scale. It's more of a pet project of mine, and while it may be a bit presumptuous, I like to use to try out new technologies or frameworks I've come by. It's not really meant to be used as a public sight, but I appreciate any feedback and critques are encouraged.

Key Features:

Future Features

(Mid November 2024)

(December 2024)

(January 2025)

Technologies Used: