tamton-aquib / staline.nvim

A modern lightweight statusline and bufferline plugin for neovim in lua.
MIT License
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[stabline]: Show multiple buffers per tab #60

Closed bogdan-the-great closed 6 months ago

bogdan-the-great commented 6 months ago

Hi! Great plugin, but there doesn't seem to be an option to show all buffers belonging to one tab in the stabline at the time.

Two buffers in the same tab (vsplit): image

Two buffers in two different tabs or any number of buffers in one tab: image

Nvim version: v0.9.5, using lazy.nvim

config ``` { "tamton-aquib/staline.nvim", config = function() require('staline').setup({ defaults = { expand_null_ls = false, -- This expands out all the null-ls sources to be shown left_separator = "", right_separator = "", full_path = false, line_column = "%p%% [%l/%L]", -- `:h stl` to see all flags. fg = "#000000", -- Foreground text color. bg = "none", -- Default background is transparent. inactive_color = "#303030", inactive_bgcolor = "none", true_colors = false, -- true lsp colors. font_active = "none", -- "bold", "italic", "bold,italic", etc mod_symbol = "  ", lsp_client_symbol = " ", lsp_client_character_length = 12, -- Shorten LSP client names. branch_symbol = "", null_ls_symbol = "", -- A symbol to indicate that a source is coming from null-ls }, mode_icons = { n = "N", i = "I", c = "C", v = "V", -- etc.. }, sections = { left = { '-mode', 'left_sep_double', 'branch', 'lsp' }, mid = { '' }, right = { 'file_name', 'right_sep_double', '-line_column' }, }, inactive_sections = { -- left = { 'branch' }, -- mid = { 'file_name' }, right = { 'line_column' } }, lsp_symbols = { Error = " ", Info = " ", Warn = " ", Hint = "", }, }) require('stabline').setup { style = "bar", -- others: arrow, slant, bubble stab_left = "┃", stab_right = " ", -- fg = Default is fg of "Normal". -- bg = Default is bg of "Normal". inactive_bg = "#1e2127", inactive_fg = "#aaaaaa", -- stab_bg = Default is darker version of bg., font_active = "bold", exclude_fts = { 'NvimTree', 'dashboard', 'lir', "Alpha" }, stab_start = "", -- The starting of stabline stab_end = "", numbers = nil } end } ```
tamton-aquib commented 6 months ago

Heyyo @piotr-marendowski,

You might be looking for something like this: https://github.com/tiagovla/scope.nvim ?

bogdan-the-great commented 6 months ago

Heyyo @piotr-marendowski,

You might be looking for something like this: https://github.com/tiagovla/scope.nvim ?

I do have scope.nvim installed, but it works with my current bufferline in that way that it shows all the buffers opened in the current tab, not only buffers that are in the windows. Without scope.nvim it shows all the buffers from all tabs (even buffers from another tabs and buffers not in the windows).

I would like it work in a similar way as shown in this screenshot (show all buffers and tabs would be nice addition too):


tamton-aquib commented 6 months ago

Hi @piotr-marendowski,

I'm not understanding, probably because im not a native english speaker 😅 .

And i didnt understand the screenshot too, can you clarify further?

bogdan-the-great commented 6 months ago

Hi @piotr-marendowski,

I'm not understanding, probably because im not a native english speaker 😅 .

* By default, all buffers are shown from all tabs. (hence its a bufferline)

* If scope.nvim is installed, only tab local buffers are shown.

And i didnt understand the screenshot too, can you clarify further?

Okay, sorry let me rephrase this.

  1. I have opened a couple of buffers (files) and it shows only one, because there is only one on the screen:


  1. Now I have created a vertical split with one of these buffers:


What I want is it to display all buffers opened in the first example, not only the one visible, like in bufferline.nvim.

P.S. With or without scope.nvim it works the same way for me.

tamton-aquib commented 6 months ago


Oh that seems odd. Could you check the value of hidden? (by :set hidden?)

It is usually turned on by default.

bogdan-the-great commented 6 months ago


Oh that seems odd. Could you check the value of hidden? (by :set hidden?)

It is usually turned on by default.

I have hidden = false in my config. Turning it on and off (true and false) doesn't change anything.

tamton-aquib commented 6 months ago

Maybe some plugins might be overrding it.

Can you try to reproduce it with a minimal config? Or if you have your config on github, I could take a look.

bogdan-the-great commented 6 months ago

You are indeed right, I tried lazy.nvim's minimal config and it worked just fine. The option hidden = false was to blame, I set it to true, and I see mostly normal behaviour. But when I open a session (I use possession.nvim) I need to scroll through all the buffers in order to see them all, like they would be hidden at start.

Also when I open a lot of buffers and scroll through them the bufferline (stabline) doesn't move to show their filenames: image

tamton-aquib commented 6 months ago

I set it to true, and I see mostly normal behaviour

That's great to hear!

Also when I open a lot of buffers and scroll through them the bufferline (stabline) doesn't move to show their filenames:

Hmm, that is weird, I'll get on it this weekend 👍🏻

tamton-aquib commented 6 months ago

Hi @piotr-marendowski,

I have sent a fix. If you have time, update and let me know if it works.

bogdan-the-great commented 6 months ago

Hi @piotr-marendowski,

I have sent a fix. If you have time, update and let me know if it works.

Now it works! Thank you! Now I won't be needing any bufferline.