staline(statusline): A simple statusline for neovim written in lua.
stabline(s-tabline): A simple bufferline for neovim written in lua. (sry didnt get a better name.)
in your init.lua for statusline. (or 3
for global line)vim.opt.showtabline=2
in your init.lua for bufferline.vim.opt.termguicolors = true
must be set.use 'tamton-aquib/staline.nvim'
Note Doing this will install both staline and stabline.
But separate setup() is required for each to load up.
Click to see default configuration
```lua require('staline').setup { defaults = { expand_null_ls = false, -- This expands out all the null-ls sources to be shown left_separator = "", right_separator = "", full_path = false, line_column = "[%l/%L] :%c 並%p%% ", -- `:h stl` to see all flags. fg = "#000000", -- Foreground text color. bg = "none", -- Default background is transparent. inactive_color = "#303030", inactive_bgcolor = "none", true_colors = false, -- true lsp colors. font_active = "none", -- "bold", "italic", "bold,italic", etc mod_symbol = " ", lsp_client_symbol = " ", lsp_client_character_length = 12, -- Shorten LSP client names. branch_symbol = " ", cool_symbol = " ", -- Change this to override default OS icon. null_ls_symbol = "", -- A symbol to indicate that a source is coming from null-ls }, mode_colors = { n = "#2bbb4f", i = "#986fec", c = "#e27d60", v = "#4799eb", -- etc.. }, mode_icons = { n = " ", i = " ", c = " ", v = " ", -- etc.. }, sections = { left = { '- ', '-mode', 'left_sep_double', ' ', 'branch' }, mid = { 'file_name' }, right = { 'cool_symbol','right_sep_double', '-line_column' }, }, inactive_sections = { left = { 'branch' }, mid = { 'file_name' }, right = { 'line_column' } }, special_table = { NvimTree = { 'NvimTree', ' ' }, packer = { 'Packer',' ' }, -- etc }, lsp_symbols = { Error=" ", Info=" ", Warn=" ", Hint="", }, } ```Sections
| section | use | |---------|-----| | mode | shows the mode | | branch | shows git branch | | file_name | shows filename | | file_size | shows file size | | cool_symbol | an icon according to the OS type (cutomizable) | | lsp | lsp diagnostics (number of errors, warnings, etc) | | lsp_name | lsp client name | | line_column | shows line, column, percentage, etc | | left_sep | single left separator | | right_sep | single right separator | | left_sep_double | Double left separator with a shade of gray | | right_sep_double | Double right separator with a shade of gray | | cwd | Current working directory |
To know more about colors and highlights, check highlights wiki
A section (left, right or mid) can take:
"a simple string"
{ "DiagnosticsError", "danger_icon" }
{ "CustomHighlight", "simple_string" }
return "computed_dynamic_string"
sections are not included in the default settings.
Evil Line
Pebble Line
Simple Line
Check out wiki to see some premade configs and tips.
The Default configuration looks something like
```lua require('stabline').setup { style = "bar", -- others: arrow, slant, bubble stab_left = "┃", stab_right = " ", -- fg = Default is fg of "Normal". -- bg = Default is bg of "Normal". inactive_bg = "#1e2127", inactive_fg = "#aaaaaa", -- stab_bg = Default is darker version of bg., font_active = "bold", exclude_fts = { 'NvimTree', 'dashboard', 'lir' }, stab_start = "", -- The starting of stabline stab_end = "", numbers = function(bufn, n) return '*'..n..' ' end } ```My personal config as of editing this file
![my stabline config]( ```lua require('stabline').setup { style = "slant", bg = "#986fec", fg = "black", stab_right = "", } ```