tan2 / DynEarthSol-old

A flexible modeling tool for geological/tectonic problems
MIT License
17 stars 15 forks source link
cpp finite-element-methods openmp unstructured-meshes

Basic build Exodus build MMG build


DynEarthSol3D, DES3D in short, is a finite element code that solves the momentum balance and the heat transfer in Lagrangian form using unstructured meshes. It can be used to study the long-term deformation of Earth's lithosphere and problems alike.

Building DES3D


Running DES3D

Visualizing DES3D outputs

Bug reports

Bug reports, comments, and suggestions are always welcome. The best channel is to create an issue on the Issue Tracker here: https://github.com/tan2/DynEarthSol/issues


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT / X Windows System license. See LICENSE for the full text.

The files under the subdirectories 3x3-C/, ann/, tetgen/ and triangles/ are distributed by their own license(s).