tandonneur / AdvancedAnalytics

Data analytics code to accompany "The Art and Science of Data Analytics"
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A collection of python modules, classes and methods for simplifying the use of machine learning solutions. AdvancedAnalytics provides easy access to advanced tools in Sci-Learn, NLTK and other machine learning packages. AdvancedAnalytics was developed to simplify learning python from the book The Art and Science of Data Analytics.


From a high level view, building machine learning applications typically proceeds through three stages:

1. Data Preprocessing
2. Modeling or Analytics
3. Postprocessing

The classes and methods in AdvancedAnalytics primarily support the first and last stages of machine learning applications.

Data scientists report they spend 80% of their total effort in first and last stages. The first stage, data preprocessing, is concerned with preparing the data for analysis. This includes:

1. identifying and correcting outliers, 
2. imputing missing values, and 
3. encoding data. 

The last stage, solution postprocessing, involves developing graphic summaries of the solution, and metrics for evaluating the quality of the solution.

Documentation and Examples

The API and documentation for all classes and examples are available at https://github.com/tandonneur/AdvancedAnalytics/.


Currently the most popular usage is for supporting solutions developed using these advanced machine learning packages:

* Sci-Learn
* StatsModels

The intention is to expand this list to other packages. This is a simple example for linear regression that uses the data map structure to preprocess data:

.. code-block:: python

from AdvancedAnalytics.ReplaceImputeEncode import DT
from AdvancedAnalytics.ReplaceImputeEncode import ReplaceImputeEncode
from AdvancedAnalytics.Tree import tree_regressor
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor, export_graphviz 
# Data Map Using DT, Data Types
data_map = {
    "Salary":         [DT.Interval, (20000.0, 2000000.0)],
    "Department":     [DT.Nominal, ("HR", "Sales", "Marketing")] 
    "Classification": [DT.Nominal, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)]
    "Years":          [DT.Interval, (18, 60)] }
# Preprocess data from data frame df
rie = ReplaceImputeEncode(data_map=data_map, interval_scaling=None,
                          nominal_encoding= "SAS", drop=True)
encoded_df = rie.fit_transform(df)
y = encoded_df["Salary"]
X = encoded_df.drop("Salary", axis=1)
dt = DecisionTreeRegressor(criterion= "gini", max_depth=4,
                            min_samples_split=5, min_samples_leaf=5)
dt = dt.fit(X,y)
tree_regressor.display_importance(dt, encoded_df.columns)
tree_regressor.display_metrics(dt, X, y)

Current Modules and Classes

ReplaceImputeEncode Classes for Data Preprocessing

Regression Classes for Linear and Logistic Regression

Tree Classes for Decision Tree Solutions

Forest Classes for Random Forests

NeuralNetwork Classes for Neural Networks

Text Classes for Text Analytics

Internet Classes for Internet Applications

Installation and Dependencies

AdvancedAnalytics is designed to work on any operating system running python 3. It can be installed using pip or conda.

.. code-block:: python

pip install AdvancedAnalytics
# or
conda install -c dr.jones AdvancedAnalytics

General Dependencies There are dependencies. Most classes import one or more modules from
Sci-Learn, referenced as sklearn in module imports, and StatsModels. These are both installed with the current version of anaconda.

Installed with AdvancedAnalytics Most packages used by AdvancedAnalytics are automatically installed with its installation. These consist of the following packages.

    * statsmodels
    * scikit-learn
    * scikit-image
    * nltk
    * pydotplus

Other Dependencies The Tree and Forest modules plot decision trees and importance metrics using pydotplus and the graphviz packages. These should also be automatically installed with AdvancedAnalytics.

However, the **graphviz** install is sometimes not fully complete 
with the conda install.  It may require an additional pip install.

.. code-block:: python

    pip install graphviz

Text Analytics Dependencies The TextAnalytics module uses the NLTK, Sci-Learn, and wordcloud packages. Usually these are also automatically installed automatically with AdvancedAnalytics. You can verify they are installed using the following commands.

.. code-block:: python

    conda list nltk
    conda list sci-learn
    conda list wordcloud

However, when the **NLTK** package is installed, it does not 
install the data used by the package.  In order to load the
**NLTK** data run the following code once before using the 
*TextAnalytics* module.

.. code-block:: python

    #The following NLTK commands should be run once

The **wordcloud** package also uses a little know package
**tinysegmenter** version 0.3.  Run the following code to ensure
it is installed.

.. code-block:: python

    conda install -c conda-forge tinysegmenter==0.3
    # or
    pip install tinysegmenter==0.3

Internet Dependencies The Internet module contains a class scrape which has some
functions for scraping newsfeeds. Some of these use the newspaper3k package. It should be automatically installed with AdvancedAnalytics.

However, it also uses the package **newsapi-python**, which is not 
automatically installed.  If you intended to use this news scraping
scraping tool, it is necessary to install the package using the 
following code:

.. code-block:: python

    conda install -c conda-forge newsapi
    # or
    pip install newsapi

In addition, the newsapi service is sponsored by a commercial company
www.newsapi.com.  You will need to register with them to obtain an 
*API* key required to access this service.  This is free of charge 
for developers, but there is a fee if *newsapi* is used to broadcast 
news with an application or at a website.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the AdvancedAnalytics project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the PyPA Code of Conduct: https://www.pypa.io/en/latest/code-of-conduct/ .