tangrams / fontstash-es

Text rendering and text shaping for OpenGL ES
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This project is based on fontstash, it is using OpenGL ES 2.0 in order to be used on mobile devices.

You can use the following features:

Activating features

Enabling text-shaping using the freetype rasterizer:

#import "glfontstash.h"

Adding fontstash-es to your project

The text-shaping feature creates a lot of dependencies and uses some static libraries in order to be used.

If you're not planning to use the text-shaping engine, simply add the fontstash-es/include headers in your project.

If you want to use the text-shaping engine you would need the header files from harfbuzz, freetype2 and the static libraries for these two + ucdn for unicode database and normalization; this for each of the different architectures you would be targetting. This project has these static libraries only for the iPhone simulator architecture (i386, x86_64).

Building examples

For iOS, simply use the provided X-code project.

If you want to build the GLFW examples, you will need to install GLFW and CMake, you can download it here or use homebrew to download everything.

brew install cmake
brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install glfw3 pkg-config

Then build and run the examples:

cd examples/glfw
cmake . && make