tanyaphung / 1000G_Summary_Stats

This repository contains scripts related to the empirical analyses of 1000 Genome dataset associated with Beichman et al. (2017) (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28893846)
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This repository contains scripts related to the empirical analyses of 1000 Genome dataset associated with Beichman et al. 2017) (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28893846)

Subset individuals from 1000G

These individuals are extracted from 1000 Genomes:

YRI: NA18505, NA18517, NA18916, NA18923, NA18877, NA18909, NA18858, NA18865, NA19116, NA19096

CEU: NA06984, NA06985, NA06986, NA06989, NA06994, NA07000, NA07037, NA07051, NA07056, NA07347

CHB: NA18525, NA18526, NA18528, NA18530, NA18531, NA18532, NA18533, NA18534, NA18535, NA18536

To subset the 1000G vcf for each of these populations:




Note that currenly the script is set up to run on UCLA Hoffman HPC

Estimate a site-frequency-spectrum from the VCF

python generate_foldedSFS_fromVCF.py -h

usage: generate_foldedSFS_fromVCF.py [-h] --variant VARIANT --numAllele
                                     NUMALLELE --pass_coordinates
                                     PASS_COORDINATES --outfile OUTFILE

This script generates the count for a folded SFS from VCF

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --variant VARIANT     REQUIRED. Variant file. The format should be CHROM POS
                        ind1 ind2 etc. Should be tab delimit. Because of VCF
                        format, it is 1-based
  --numAllele NUMALLELE
                        REQUIRED. Indicate the number of alleles, which is
                        equal to the number of individuals in your sample
                        times 2.
  --pass_coordinates PASS_COORDINATES
                        REQUIRED. Input is the file that lists the coordinates
                        (1-based) that are annotated as P (pass) from the
                        masks file. This file is generated from the script
                        obtain_pass_positions.py. The format is a genomic
                        coordinate per line.
  --outfile OUTFILE     REQUIRED. Name of the output file

Extract neutral regions using the program Neutral Region Explorer Arbiza et al. 2012. Output can be found in the directory data/10kb_neutral_regions.

Filtering criteria:

Select Regions to Exclude:
  1. Known genes
  2. Gene bounds
  3. Spliced ESTs
  4. Segmental Duplications
  5. CNVs
  6. Self chain
  7. Reduced Repeat Masker
  1. Miniumum region size: 200bp
  2. Recombination rate (cM/Mb): 0.8
  3. Genetic map: Decode
  4. Human diversity: YRI; Individuals: All; Mask: Strict
  5. Min BG selection coefficient: 0.95

NOTE: when selecting human diversity, one has to choose either CEU, YRI, or CHB. The neutral regions will likely differ depending which population to choose. Therefore, should we have a consensus neutral regions for all three populations?

Select regions for which to calculate % overlap
  1. Simple repeats
  2. Repeat maskers v3.27
  3. 46 way conserved - plac mammal

Process the output after running neutral region explorer program

From the directory 1000G_Summary_Stats/data/10kb_neutral_regions, do:

for i in {1..22}; do python ../../scripts/calc_neutralregion_length.py chr${i}_output_from_nre.txt > chr${i}_output_from_nre_clean.txt done;

Generate 10kb regions

From the directory 1000G_Summary_Stats/data/10kb_neutral_regions, do:

for i in {1..22}; do python ../../scripts/generate_Xkb_neutralRegions.py --input chr${i}_output_from_nre_clean.txt --length 10000 > chr${i}_10kb_neutral_region.txt done;

Compute genetic diversity in 10kb neutral regions

Estimate SFS using 10kb neutral regions

Subset the VCF where homozygous sites have been removed to only include the Pass sites

qsub wrapper_subsetVCF.basedOnPositions_YRI_afterRmHom.sh

qsub wrapper_subsetVCF.basedOnPositions_CEU_afterRmHom.sh

qsub wrapper_subsetVCF.basedOnPositions_CHB_afterRmHom.sh

Subset the VCF where homozygous sites have been removed AND only pass sites are retain to only include sites that fall within 10kb neutral regions

qsub wrapper_subsetVCF.basedOnPositions_YRI_for10kbNeutral.sh

qsub wrapper_subsetVCF.basedOnPositions_CEU_for10kbNeutral.sh

qsub wrapper_subsetVCF.basedOnPositions_CHB_for10kbNeutral.sh

Estimate SFS




Obtain nonoverlapping windows

  1. wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/bigZips/hg19.chrom.sizes

  2. for chrNum in {1..22}; do grep -w "chr${chrNum}" hg19.chrom.sizes > chr${chrNum}.g done;

  3. ./makeWindows.sh 100000 100kb

Compute genetic diversity (pairwise pi) in 100kb nonoverlapping windows

  1. All functions required to compute genetic diversity can be found in scripts/compute_pi
  2. Explanation of each function:


This script tabulates the number of callable sites for each nonoverlapping window. Input 1: a list where each item in the list is a tuple of the form (start, end). Input 2: a set where each item is the callable position (1-based). Return: a dictionary where key is window in the form (start, end) and value is the count of callable sites.


This script cleans the VCF after subsetting. Specifically, it will (1) remove any site where the genotype for all subsetted individuals is 0|0. The reason for this is that vcf-subset does not do this automatically, (2) only keep the biallelic allele, in other words, remove 1|2, 2|1, and 2|2, and (3) remove any site that is not callable, meaning where it is not annotated with a P in the mask file. Input 1: a list. Each item in this list is a list where the first item is the genomic position (1-based). Input 2: a set where each item is the callable position (1-based). Return: a list. Each item in this list is a list where the first item is the genomic position (1-based). Basically the same as Input 1 but fewer variants.


This script computes the allele frequency for each variant.


This script computes pairwise pi.

  1. How to run?

    For a list of inputs, do:

python main.py -h

To run, do:

python main.py --windows /path/to/window/file --callableSet /path/to/callableSet --variants /path/to/variants --numAllele int --outfile /path/to/outfile

Estimate LD decay

Remove variants from the VCF files where the genotypes of all the individuals in the subset are 0|0


Remove variants from the VCF files where the variant is a singleton


Use vcftools to calculate rsquared

vcftools --vcf --hap-r2 --ld-window-bp 100000




Process files after VCFtools output

  1. ./processVCFLDoutputs.sh Remove nan

  2. To compute rsquared in bins:

python estimateLDdecay.py -h

usage: estimateLDdecay.py [-h] --input INPUT --format FORMAT --bin BIN --outfile OUTFILE

This script estimates LD decay in bins. Bins can be specified by user

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --input INPUT REQUIRED. Input file. This is usually output from plink or vcftools. --format FORMAT REQUIRED. Enter plink or vcftools. Specify which file format --bin BIN REQUIRED. Specify the number of bins --outfile OUTFILE REQUIRED. Name of output file.




python tabulateMeanLD.py

Use vcftools to calculate rsquared with different options


./qsub vcftools_ld_CEU_geno.sh

./qsub vcftools_ld_CHB_geno.sh

Obtain genetic distance

Download genetic map

Process the genetic map data

  1. Because the files are not tab delimit, I need to convert the files to tab-delimit first

    awk '{print$1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4}' female_noncarrier.gmap > female_noncarrier.gmap_tab
    awk '{print$1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4}' male_noncarrier.gmap > male_noncarrier.gmap_tab
  2. Partition into separate chromososomes

    for i in {1..22}; do
    grep -w chr${i} female_noncarrier.gmap_tab > chr${i}_female_noncarrier.gmap
    grep -w chr${i} male_noncarrier.gmap_tab > chr${i}_male_noncarrier.gmap
  3. Compute average genetic map:

  1. Mofification of last NA to 0 (more explanation here later)

Obtain recombination rate for each 10kb neutral loci


qsub wrapper_interpolate_genetic_distance_10kbneutral.sh

Compute recombination (cM/Mb) for each 10kb neutral region

qsub wrapper_compute_rec_10kb_neutral_region.sh

Convert physical distance to genetic distance from VCFtool output

From VCFtool output, for each chromosome, break into smaller files

Interpolate genetic map for 1000G SNP (to use to convert physical distance from VCFtool output to genetic distance)

  1. The goal here is to modify the genetic map from decode to also include SNPs from 1000 genomes.
  2. The output is a file where the first row is the position (from decode and also 1000 genomes) and the second row is the cM (defined as the cM between the current SNP and the previous SNP)
  3. Use the Python script interpolate_genetic_distance_LD.py. Wrapper script to run across 22 chromosomes is wrapper_interpolate.genetic.distance.LD.sh
qsub wrapper_interpolate.genetic.distance.LD.sh

Convert physical distance to genetic distance

Since I run each chunk of each chromosome separately, I wrote a few wrapper scripts so that it can be run in parallel. All of the wrapper scripts are stored in the directory wrapper_convert.physical.to.genetic

After that, I ran the Python script estimateLDdecay_genetic.py to bin. Specifically, I ran the wrapper script:

qsub wrapper_estimateLDdecay_genetic.sh

Then, tabulate across 22 chromosomes:

python tabulateMeanLD_geno_genetic.py  > /u/home/p/phung428/tanya_data_storage/1000G_Summary_Stats/results/LD_geno/bins_genetic/YRI/allChr_LD_genetic_bins