tanzby / hikvision_ros

simple preview bridge node of hikvision IP camera for ROS
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simple preview bridge node of hikvision IP camera for ROS



instant run

git clone https://github.com/tanzby/hikvision_ros.git
cd hikvision_ros
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

Publish sensor_msgs::Image

source <path/to/devel/setup.sh>
roslaunch hikvision_ros hik.launch


You can specify some camera and steam parameters by hik.launch

<arg name="ip_addr" default=""/>
<arg name="user_name" default="admin"/>
<arg name="password" default="admin"/>
<arg name="port" default="8000"/>
<arg name="channel" default="1"/>

Or in command line

roslaunch hikvision_ros hik.launch ip_addr:= password:=123456

support for camera_calibration

you can use camera_calibration to calibrate hikvision camera, hik_ros provides set_camera_info sevice for receiving and storing camera's calibration parameters.


# open camera
roslaunch hikvision_ros hik.launch

# see topic name
rostopic list

# [output]
# ➜  ~ rostopic list
# /hik_cam_node/camera_info
# /hik_cam_node/hik_camera
# ...

# calibrate
rosrun camera_calibration cameracalibrator.py --size 11x8 --square 0.03 image:=/hik_cam_node/hik_camera  camera:=/hik_cam_node/hik_camera

then begin calibration. After calibration you straightly press commit button, hik_ros has the ability to save the calibration parameter to camera_info_url, which is set in launch file OR use default path ( ~/.ros/camera_info )

# [output]
#[ INFO] [1551582484.454024618]: New camera info received
#[ INFO] [1551582484.454296067]: [ hik_camera ] Write camera_info to ~/.ros/camera_info/hik_camera.yaml success.