taoky / tsumugu

🧵 A HTTP(S) mirroring tool written in Rust, proposed for ustcmirror
MIT License
17 stars 2 forks source link


A HTTP(S) syncing tool with lower overhead, for OSS mirrors.

Instead of HEADing every single file, tsumugu parses directory listing HTML and downloads only files that do not seem to be up-to-date.

Design goals

To successfully sync from these domains, where lftp/rclone fails or finds difficulties:



> ./tsumugu --help
A HTTP(S) syncing tool with lower overhead, for OSS mirrors

Usage: tsumugu <COMMAND>

  sync  Sync files from upstream to local
  list  List files from upstream
  help  Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version
> ./tsumugu sync --help
Sync files from upstream to local

Usage: tsumugu sync [OPTIONS] <UPSTREAM> <LOCAL>

  <UPSTREAM>  The upstream URL
  <LOCAL>     The local directory

      --user-agent <USER_AGENT>
          Customize tsumugu's user agent [default: tsumugu]
          Do not download files and cleanup
      --threads <THREADS>
          Threads at work [default: 2]
          Do not clean up after sync
      --max-delete <MAX_DELETE>
          Set max delete count [default: 100]
      --timezone-file <TIMEZONE_FILE>
          You can set a valid URL for guessing. Set it to "no" to disable this behavior. By default it would recursively find the first file to HEAD for guessing
      --timezone <TIMEZONE>
          Manually set timezone (+- hrs). This overrides timezone_file
      --retry <RETRY>
          Retry count for each request [default: 3]
          Do an HEAD before actual GET. Otherwise when head-before-get and allow-time-from-parser are not set, when GETting tsumugu would try checking if we still need to download it
      --parser <PARSER>
          Choose a main parser [default: nginx] [possible values: nginx, apache-f2, docker, directory-lister, lighttpd, caddy, fancy-index, gradle, fallback]
      --parser-match <PARSER_MATCH>
          Choose supplementary parsers. Format: "parsername:matchpattern". matchpattern is a relative path regex. Supports multiple
      --exclude <EXCLUDE>
          Excluded relative path regex. Supports multiple
      --include <INCLUDE>
          Included relative path regex (even if excluded). Supports multiple
      --skip-if-exists <SKIP_IF_EXISTS>
          Skip relative path regex if they exist. Supports multiple
      --compare-size-only <COMPARE_SIZE_ONLY>
          Relative path regex for those compare size only **after** HEAD (head_before_get on) or GET (head_before_get off)
          Allow mtime from parser if not available from HTTP headers
          (Experimental) APT Packages file parser to find out missing packages
          (Experimental) YUM Packages file parser to find out missing packages
          Ignore 404 NOT FOUND as error when downloading files
          Allow automatically choose fallback parser when ParseError occurred
      --header <HEADER>
          Custom header for HTTP(S) requests in format "Headerkey: headervalue". Supports multiple
  -h, --help
          Print help
  -V, --version
          Print version
> ./tsumugu list --help
List files from upstream

Usage: tsumugu list [OPTIONS] <UPSTREAM>

  <UPSTREAM>  The upstream URL

      --user-agent <USER_AGENT>        Customize tsumugu's user agent [default: tsumugu]
      --parser <PARSER>                Choose a main parser [default: nginx] [possible values: nginx, apache-f2, docker, directory-lister, lighttpd, caddy, fancy-index, gradle, fallback]
      --exclude <EXCLUDE>              Excluded relative path regex. Supports multiple
      --include <INCLUDE>              Included relative path regex (even if excluded). Supports multiple
      --upstream-base <UPSTREAM_BASE>  The upstream base starting with "/" [default: /]
      --header <HEADER>                Custom header for HTTP(S) requests in format "Headerkey: headervalue". Supports multiple
  -h, --help                           Print help
  -V, --version                        Print version

For a very brief introduction of parser, see ./docs/parser.md.

Exit code

Building with musl

Unfortunately, this requires openssl-sys, which is not included in cross's prebuilt images. Try https://github.com/clux/muslrust.


Default concurrency is 2 threads.

(Note: Please see examples for latest commands to sync.)


Proxmox uses a self-hosted CDN server architecture, and unfortunately its server limits concurrency to only 1 (as far as I could test). With traditional lftp/rclone it could take > 10 hours to sync once (even when your local files are identical with remote ones).

Note: Consider using Proxmox Offline Mirror or other tools like apt-mirror if you only need its APT repository.

> time ./tsumugu sync --threads 1 --dry-run --exclude '^temp' http://download.proxmox.com/ /srv/repo/proxmox/

real    1m48.746s
user    0m3.468s
sys 0m3.385s


We use a special script for syncing docker-ce before, but tsumugu can also handle this now. And also, for 30x inside linux/centos/ and linux/rhel/, tsumugu could create symlinks as what this script do before.

> time ./tsumugu sync --timezone-file https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce-staging.repo --parser docker --dry-run https://download.docker.com/ /srv/repo/docker-ce/

real    8m32.674s
user    0m4.532s
sys 0m2.855s


lftp/rclone fails to handle complex HTML.

> time ./tsumugu sync --parser apache-f2 --dry-run --exclude '^mageia' --exclude '^macosx' --exclude '^debian' --exclude '^ubuntu' --exclude '^fedora' --include '^debian/dists/${DEBIAN_CURRENT}' --include '^ubuntu/dists/${UBUNTU_LTS}' --include '^fedora/${FEDORA_CURRENT}' https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ /srv/repo/wine/wine-builds/

<TIMESTAMP>  INFO ThreadId(01) tsumugu: (Estimated) Total objects: 17514, total size: 342.28 GiB

real    0m5.664s
user    0m1.475s
sys 0m0.294s


Yuki integration

See https://github.com/ustclug/ustcmirror-images#tsumugu.

YAML example:

  UPSTREAM: http://download.proxmox.com/
  TSUMUGU_EXCLUDE: --exclude ^temp --exclude pmg/dists/.+changelog$ --exclude devel/dists/.+changelog$
  TSUMUGU_TIMEZONEFILE: http://download.proxmox.com/images/aplinfo.dat
image: ustcmirror/tsumugu:latest
interval: 12 3 * * *
logRotCycle: 10
name: proxmox
storageDir: /srv/repo/proxmox/

More examples in examples/.

Regex variables

See ./src/regex_process.rs.

Exclusion and inclusion

There's a breaking change since 20240902. User regexes with ^ and $ would be affected.

See ./docs/exclusion.md.


Tsumugu relies on local file size and mtime to check if file shall be downloaded. Some file-level deduplicators like jdupes would ignore file mtime when deduplicating with hard links. This could be an issue for some repos, as some files would be redownloaded again and again every time as it does not have a correct mtime locally.


Also, if you are sure that some directory is identical with another, you could manually create a symlink for that. Tsumugu would ignore symlinks during syncing.


Special thanks to NJU Mirror for extensive testing and bug reporting.


The name "tsumugu", and current branch name "pudding", are derived from the manga A Drift Girl and a Noble Moon.

And... tsumugu, drawn as simplified version of hitori Tsumugu in the appearance of a very simplified version of Hitori (Obviously I am not very good at drawing though).

Old (2020), unfinished golang version is named as "traverse", under the main-old branch.