taozhi1010 / nest-admin

MIT License
550 stars 112 forks source link
admin mysql nestjs node redis typeorm ui vue

Language : 🇺🇸 | 🇨🇳


A out of the box backend management system based on the latest version of Nestjs ![](./image.png)
- Preview: https://nest-admin.dooring.vip/ - Domestic Mirror: https://gitee.com/tao-zhi/nest-admin ## 1.0 is out! 🎉🎉🎉 Nest-Admin 1.0.0 ## Built in features 1. User management: Users are system operators, and this function mainly completes system user configuration. 2. Department management: Configure the system's organizational structure (company, department, group), and display a tree structure that supports data permissions. 3. Job management: Configure the positions that system users belong to. 4. Menu management: Configure system menus, operation permissions, button permission identification, etc. 5. Role management: Assign role menu permissions and set roles to divide data scope permissions by organization. 6. Dictionary management: Maintaining fixed data that is frequently used in the system. 7. Parameter management: Dynamically configure commonly used parameters for the system. 8. Notification announcement: System notification announcement information release and maintenance. 9. Operation log: Record and query normal system operation logs; Logging and querying of system exception information. 10. Login log: The system login log records and queries contain login exceptions. 11. Online users: monitoring the status of active users in the current system. 12. Timed tasks: Online (add, modify, delete) task scheduling includes execution result logs. 13. Code generation: The generation of front-end and back-end code (node, HTML, SQL) supports CRUD downloading. 14. System Interface: Automatically generate relevant API interface documents based on business code. 15. Service monitoring: Monitor current system CPU, memory, disk, stack, and other related information. 16. Cache monitoring: Queries, deletes, clears, and other operations on the system's cache. 17. Online Builder: Drag form elements to generate corresponding HTML code. 18. Connection Pool Monitoring: Monitor the current status of the system database connection pool and analyze SQL to identify system performance bottlenecks. ## Usage ### Install ```shell $ git clone git@github.com:taozhi1010/nest-admin.git ``` Install dependencies: ```shell $ cd nest-admin && yarn ``` run: ```shell # yarn start:dev $ yarn start:dev ``` ## Browsers support Modern browsers. | [Edge](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Edge | [Firefox](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Firefox | [Chrome](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Chrome | [Safari](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Safari | [Opera](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)
Opera | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Edge | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | ## More Production | name | Description | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [H5-Dooring](https://github.com/MrXujiang/h5-Dooring) | 让 H5 制作像搭积木一样简单, 轻松搭建 H5 页面, H5 网站, PC 端网站, LowCode 平台. | | [V6.Dooring](https://github.com/MrXujiang/v6.dooring.public) | 可视化大屏解决方案, 提供一套可视化编辑引擎, 助力个人或企业轻松定制自己的可视化大屏应用. | | [dooring-electron-lowcode](https://github.com/MrXujiang/dooring-electron-lowcode) | 基于 electron 的 H5-Dooring 编辑器桌面端. | | [DooringX](https://github.com/H5-Dooring/dooringx) | 快速高效搭建可视化拖拽平台. | | [Mitu](https://github.com/H5-Dooring/mitu-editor) | 一款轻量级且可扩展的图片/图形编辑器解决方案. | | [xijs](https://github.com/MrXujiang/xijs) | 一个开箱即用的面向业务的 javascript 工具库 | ## Contributing Any type of contribution is welcome, here are some examples of how you may contribute to this project: - Use Ant Design Pro in your daily work. - Submit [issues](https://github.com/taozhi1010/nest-admin/issues) to report bugs or ask questions. - Propose [pull requests](https://github.com/taozhi1010/nest-admin/pulls) to improve our code. ## Concat wechat: `taozhi1010` | WeChat communication group | | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------: | | |