tarekziade / molosonic

Experiment with Arsenic
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Molosonic is a Molotov extension to use a real browser in your Molotov <http://molotov.readthedocs.io/>_ tests.

Molosonic integrates Arsenic <http://arsenic.readthedocs.io>_ into the Molotov session, so one browser instance is launched per worker.

Molosonic was not release yet on PyPI, so to try it, make sure you have Python 3 and virtualenv and geckodriver in the PATH, then::

$ virtualenv .
$ bin/python setup.py develop

To make sure your setup works, try this example::

$ bin/molotov -w 5 --max-runs 1 examples/simple.py

It will run five browsers and interact with example.com

Once installed, you can use setup_browser and teardown_browser to create a browser instance.

Load test example:

.. code-block:: python

from molosonic import setup_browser, teardown_browser
import molotov

async def _setup_session(wid, session):
    await setup_browser(session)

async def _teardown_session(wid, session):
    await teardown_browser(session)

async def example(session):
    firefox = session.browser

    # go to example.com
    await firefox.get('http://example.com')

    # wait up to 5 seconds to get the h1 element from the page
    h1 = await firefox.wait_for_element(5, 'h1')

    # print the text of the h1 element
    print(await h1.get_text())

Check out Arsenic documentation for the available API.

To run 5 Firefox browsers in parallel, each one doing the test 10 times::

$ molotov -cxv --max-runs 10 -w 5 loadtest.py