target / nix-fetchers

A set of morally pure fetching builtins for Nix.
MIT License
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A set of morally pure fetching builtins for Nix.


While the fetchers provided here are morally pure (that is, they always yield the same output for a given input), they rely on operations (such as network access) that Nix by itself can't allow. As such, they all rely on the special exec builtin. In vanilla Nix, this builtin is only available when the allow-unsafe-native-code-during-evaluation configuration setting is true. This allows any Nix evaluation to run arbitrary code as the user, though, so the nix-plugins project includes the extraBuiltins plugin to make exec available only in specific user-controlled circumstances. See the extraBuiltins documentation for more details.

Project structure

Due to their privileged nature and their expected use as being (lazily) referenced for every Nix evaluation (in the extraBuiltins model), the fetchers are organized a bit unusually for Nix projects.

Each fetcher has a subdirectory in this repo. The subdirectory contains at least two Nix expressions:

Note that the second argument to run.nix may just be the result of callPackage build.nix {}, or it may for example be a buildEnv containing at least that result.

This design allows the user to opt-in only to the plugins they need and avoid having their extra-builtins.nix (which is included in every evaluation) require a reference to or evaluation of a full nixpkgs set. See make-extra-builtins for a recommended workflow for this.


This repo contains make-extra-builtins.nix, defining a function to generate extra-builtins.nix from a set of fetchers. After being imported with callPackage, make-extra-builtins takes a set of directories with the same structure as the fetchers in this project and returns a derivation yielding extra-builtins.nix in a directory suitable for including in a top-level extra-builtins.nix or serving as it directly. For example, if you only wanted fetchers fetch-monotone and fetch-bitkeeper, you could do something like:

  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
  make-extra-builtins =
    pkgs.callPackage <nix-fetchers/make-extra-builtins.nix> {};
in make-extra-builtins {
  fetchers.fetch-monotone = <nix-fetchers/fetch-monotone>;
  fetchers.fetch-bitkeeper = <nix-fetchers/fetch-bitkeeper>;

Which will generate an extra-builtins.nix like:

{ exec, ... }: let
  fetcher-programs = builtins.storePath /nix/store/g13qx40xakg4zaz1bprx0ix5j8mlidlj-fetcher-programs;
in {
  fetch-monotone = import /nix/store/v6z4bc0mzzw1b9sqc2yhn2n11fbj6nqs-run.nix exec fetcher-programs;
  fetch-bitkeeper = import /nix/store/0hkg88a9z08jaipcp4rn6xm62f74i22n-run.nix exec fetcher-programs;

which has no dependency on nixpkgs.

There is a top-level all-fetchers.nix that can be imported and passed as fetchers to make-extra-builtins if you wish to simply include all of the fetchers defined here.


The test suite can be run with the run script in the test directory. Note that the test suite relies on network connectivity (naturally), so it cannot be run within a Nix build itself.