tario / imageruby

flexible and easy to use ruby gem for image processing
GNU General Public License v3.0
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= ImageRuby - flexible ruby gem for image processing

ImageRuby is a gem for image processing written in pure ruby, this makes the library very portable and easy to install

Also, the gem was desgined to accept extensions like:

== Installation

=== Gem installation

sudo gem install imageruby

== Documentation

Full API documentation can be found on: http://tario.github.com/imageruby/doc/

== Examples

NOTE: Examples loads and saves bitmap files, imageruby-bmp gem must be installed in order to get the examples work

=== Create and save a black image

require "rubygems" require "imageruby"

include ImageRuby

creates an image of 150x150 pixels filled with black

image = ImageRuby::Image.new(150,150, Color.black)


this only work if imageruby-bmp gem is installed

image.save("black.bmp", :bmp) rescue print "Error while trying to save, you must install imageruby-bmp gem" end

=== Create an image with vertical stripes filled with default named colors

require "rubygems" require "imageruby"

include ImageRuby

print "list of named colors:\n" print "--------------------------\n"

colors = Array.new

Color.named_colors.each do |name, color| print "#{name}: #{color.inspect}\n" colors << color end

image = Image.new( colors.count * 32, 512)

x = 0 colors.each do |color| image[x..x+31, 0..511] = Image.new(32,512,color) x = x + 32 end

image.save("colors.bmp", :bmp)

=== Gradient using block parameter

require "rubygems" require "imageruby"

include ImageRuby

gradient_images = Array.new

gradient_images << Image.new(64,64) {|x,y| Color.from_rgb(x4,y4,0) }

gradient_images << Image.new(64,64) {|x,y| Color.from_rgb(0,x4,y4) }

gradient_images << Image.new(64,64) {|x,y| Color.from_rgb(y4,0,x4) }

(0..gradient_images.count-1).each do |i| gradient_images[i].save("gradient#{i}.bmp", :bmp) end

all_gradient = Image.new(96*gradient_images.count, 96)

(0..gradient_images.count-1).each do |i| all_gradient.draw!(i*96+16, 16, gradient_images[i]) end

all_gradient.save("gradients.bmp", :bmp)

=== Draw with mask

require "rubygems" require "imageruby"

include ImageRuby

colors = Image.from_file("colors.bmp") gradients = Image.from_file("gradients.bmp")

without_mask = colors.draw(128,192,gradients) without_mask.save("without_mask.bmp", :bmp)

with_mask = colors.draw(128,192,gradients.mask(Color.black)) with_mask.save("with_mask.bmp", :bmp)

=== Draw with transparency effects

require "rubygems" require "imageruby"

include ImageRuby

colors = Image.from_file("colors.bmp") gradients = Image.from_file("gradients.bmp")

transparent_black = Color.black transparent_black.a = 128

colors.draw(128,192,gradients.color_replace(Color.black, transparent_black)).save("sample1.bmp", :bmp)

half_transparent = gradients.map_pixel{ |x,y,c| c.a = 128 if x >144 c } colors.draw(128,192,half_transparent).save("sample2.bmp", :bmp)

== Copying

Copyright (c) 2011 Dario Seminara, released under the GPL License (see LICENSE)