tarttelin / JavaStubServer

An HTTP server used in tests to provide canned responses to expected requests.
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Stub server is intended to give a mockito-esque feel to a stubbed HTTP server. This allows you to test an application that hits external HTTP interfaces as a proper black box. Take this example

You have a web application that hits a ReST api to retrieve customer information. In the web app code, you have a gateway that calls the ReST api using a real HTTP request. In a test environment, you don't want to, or cannot depend on the real ReST api, so you want to have a fake server that provides canned data back. This is what StubServer is intended to simplify for you. Example test:
Deploy your web app with a config file that declares that the ReST api is accessible on http://localhost:21435 ``` StubServer server = new StubServer(21435); // matching port server.start(); server.expect(get("/api/customer/Bob")).thenReturn(200, "application/xml","Bob"); // can have multiple expectations. The url is actually a regex try { selenium.open("http://localhost:8080/users/?name=Bob"); //assertions that Bob has the right values as returned from the external ReST api server.verify(); // check that all expectations were called } finally { server.stop(); } ``` With this approach, it feels more like a unit test, but it allows you to totally black box the system under test. ## Build / dependency - The project is built with gradle. To build from source, install gradle and run gradle clean build The library is available from maven central as: groupId: com.pyruby artifactId: java-stub-server