taruntyagi697 / RateView

RateView for iOS Objective-C is a subclass of UIView.
MIT License
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RateView - iOS (Objective-C)

RateView is a UIView subclass that creates a customizable rating view containing rating stars in it. It fills out the stars in percentage fill manner. It can be used for -



How To Use

Configuring RateView is as simple as :

RateView* rv = [RateView rateViewWithRating:3.7f];
[self.view addSubview:rv];

RateView takes it over from here.


RateView comes with a property set for it's customization as needed :-

[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:] advantage

Given that UIColor is capable of color patterns handling made from images, 
RateView can be used to take advantage of this feature.

How It Looks

![Screenshot1] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taruntyagi697/RateView/master/Screenshots/Screenshot1.png) ![Screenshot2] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taruntyagi697/RateView/master/Screenshots/Screenshot2.png)

Demo App

Demo app includes almost all of the property usages through a pretty basic UITableView example.
You can go through it to see these in action at first.