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Ext.Direct.Mvc Copyright (c) 2012 Eugene Lishnevsky. All Rights Reserved.

Ext.Direct.Mvc is an implementation of Ext Direct server-side stack for ASP.NET MVC. Ext Direct is a platform and language agnostic technology to remote server-side methods to the client-side. Ext Direct allows for seamless communication between the client-side of an Ext JS application and all popular server platforms. For more information about Ext Direct visit http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs/extdirect.

Official thread on Sencha forums: http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?72245-Ext.Direct-for-ASP.NET-MVC

License: Ext.Direct.Mvc is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3. A copy of the license can be found in the copying.txt and copying_lesser.txt files included in this distribution.

Author: Eugene Lishnevsky mailto:elishnevsky@gmail.com


Ext.Direct.Mvc is currently built to work with ASP.NET MVC 2 and 3. To compile the binaries yourself you need:

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1 http://www.microsoft.com/web/gallery/install.aspx?appsxml=&appid=VS2010SP1Pack

ASP.NET MVC 3 Tools Update http://www.microsoft.com/web/gallery/install.aspx?appid=MVC3

To run the test app you also need:

Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4 http://www.microsoft.com/web/gallery/install.aspx?appid=SQLCE

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Tools for SQL Server Compact 4.0 http://www.microsoft.com/web/gallery/install.aspx?appid=SQLCEVSTools


Here's how to quickly start using Ext.Direct.Mvc in your project:

  1. In you ASP.NET MVC project add a reference to the right Ext.Direct.Mvc dll and Newtonsoft.Json dll that comes with it. It is important because Ext.Direct.Mvc is compiled with it.

  2. Add a script tag to your main view and set its scr attribute to "/DirectApi" relative to the root of your application. It outputs the method configurations for Ext Direct to create client-side stubs. In ASP.NET MVC 3 application it will look like this:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="@Url.Content("~/DirectApi")">

  3. Add an Ext.Direct Provider to creates the proxy or stub methods to execute server-side methods. Because most of the time you will need stub methods before defining custom components, this should be done early in your code:

    // in Ext JS 4 or Sencha Touch 2 Ext.direct.Manager.addProvider(Ext.app.REMOTING_API);

    // or in Ext JS 3 Ext.Direct.addProvider(Ext.app.REMOTING_API);

  4. Make controllers inherit DirectController as opposed to just Controller.

  5. Return data from controller actions by calling one of the overridden Json methods. Actions that process form posts must be marked with [FormHandler] attribute.

That's it! Now you can call your controller actions directly from your JavaScript code through the created stub methods.



By default no configuration is required at all to use Ext.Direct.Mvc. However, you can customize certain things in web.config of your project. What you need to do is create ext.direct section. Here is an example:


The following settings can be changed and all of them are optional:

  • name - Custom name for the remoting API (default: Ext.app.REMOTING_API)
  • namespace - Namespace for generated proxy methods. Default is no namespace.
  • buffer - Number that specifies the amount of time in milliseconds to wait before sending a batched request. If not specified then the default value, configured by Ext JS will be used, which is 10.
  • maxRetries - Number of times to re-attempt delivery on failure of a call. If not specified then the default value, configured by Ext JS will be used, which is 1.
  • timeout - The timeout to use for each request. If not specified then the default value defined by Ext JS will be used, which I don't remember :)
  • dateFormat - The format in which DateTime objects should be returned. Valid values are "ISO", "JS" or "JavaScript", case insensitive. Anything else will format the dates using the ugly M$ format. Default is "ISO".
  • debug - Boolean. Set to true to include full stack trace in the exception response when an intercepted server exception is returned to the client. Default is false. It should NEVER be set to true on production environment because of security concerns!!!

Excluding controllers or action from Ext Direct

By default client-side stub methods are generated for all public actions in any controller that derives from DirectController. Most of the time it is what you want, but sometimes it is needed to exclude entire controller or individual actions from Ext Direct, so that stub methods will not be generated. This can be done by marking the actions or the controller with [DirectIgnore] attribute, it will instruct Ext.Direct.Mvc to ignore them when creating the API object.

Handling server-side exceptions on the client

By default no server-side exception are intercepted except the special DirectException. When a DirectException is thrown on the server, a direct response of type "exception" is returned to the client. It is also possible to intercept any server-side exceptions in an entire controller or a single action and return it to the client as exception response. To do this you need to mark either the controller or individual actions with [DirectHandleError] attribute.

[DirectHandleError] public ActionResult MyAction() { // ... throw new Exception("Something bad happened!"); // ... }

Exception response on the client can contain the following members:

  • type - "exception"
  • tid - The transaction id
  • action - The action that has been called
  • method - The method that has been called
  • message - The error message
  • where - The full stack trace from the server, available during debugging
  • result - Simple object with only "success" boolean property for form posts
  • errorData - User-defined information about the exception only if provided

The errorData is copied from Exception.Data. To read about Exception.Data and how to set it visit this page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.exception.data.aspx

You can handle a server-side exception on the client either in an individual callback function:

Employees.Get(1234, function(result, event) { if (event.type == "exception") { // display or log the error return; } // process the result });

or globally

// in Ext JS 4 Ext.direct.Manager.on('exception', function(error) { console.error(Ext.util.Format.format('{0}\n{1}', error.message, error.where)); });

// or in Ext JS 3 Ext.Direct.on('exception', function(error) { console.error(String.format('{0}\n{1}', error.message, error.where)); });

Server-side events

Ext.Direct supports custom server-side events. Mark an action that should return an event with [DirectEvent] attribute to wrap its returned value in a special event response object and handle it on the client as described in the documentation for Direct manager.


Although Ext.Direct.Mvc v3.0.0 is written to be extremely easy to use when you start a new project or want to convert existing one from using regular AJAX requests to Ext Direct, upgrading from earlier versions of Ext.Direct.Mvc can be a little time consuming and frankly not very necessary. If for whatever reason you convinced yourself to upgrade here is a list of things that you need to know:

  • No configuration is required if you are happy with the defaults
  • Default date format changed from the ugly M$ to the universal ISO
  • Controllers that participate in Ext Direct must derive from DirectController. It's a new class in v3.0.0 and it contains overridden Json methods.
  • Descriptor generation method has been dropped (OptIn and OptOut)
  • DirectInclude attribute has been dropped
  • Controller extension methods (Direct and DirectEvent) have been dropper. Now one of the overridden Json methods must be called to return data.

    Good luck!