Real time web chat. See it on heroku!
- userJoin - upon fEnd connection ('connect'):
- fEnd socket emits 'userJoin' with connectionInfo as an object: {username:"nameEntered",room:"main"}.
- bEnd socket listens, takes the data. and:
- emits 'activeUsers' event to all users, sending back activeusers list in array format.
- fEnd listener to 'activeUsers' will refresh list of active users in the chat.
- emits 'msgHistory' event to the joining user only, to provide the message history in array of objects format.
- fEnd listener to 'msgHistory' will append message history as children to the messages
- broadcast 'userJoin' to rest of the users in the chat
- userTyping - upon 'input' in the textarea:
- fEnd socket emits 'userTyping' event with usual connectionInfo object.
- bEnd socket listens, takes the data, and:
- broadcasts 'userTyping' event to all other users.
- updateChat - upon form 'submit':
- fEnd socket emits 'updateChat' event, passing an object with the below format. fEnd also updates the messageHistory list for the user who submitted the chat.
- bEnd sockets broascasts 'updateChat' event, passing the same object.
- fEnd appends message to messageHistory list
Message object format:
"body":"what the user wrote",
"time": 1456391092857,
"room": "roomName"
- 'newRoom' - upon user clicking on one of the activeUsers in the main chat room:
- fEnd emits:
- 'userJoin' event with connectionInfo object.
- 'newRoom' event with the following object {username2:"OtherUserName",room:"roomname"}
- bEnd emits 'newRoom' event to the user who hasn't joined yet. Note: server should check if the room is already created or not, or if two users area already in the chat.
- fEnd receives the 'newRoom' event and appends a message to the message history, containing an invitation url to join the chat.
- Upon the user clicking the url, a new 'userJoin' event will be emitted by the fEnd.
SAMPLE DATA STRUCTURE (within database)
"messages": {
"room1": [
"body":"here is a message",
In order to get a chat room hosted on your machine, follow these instructions: