tastybento / greenhouses

Bukkit or Spigot plugin that enables biome greenhouses
GNU General Public License v2.0
4 stars 4 forks source link


Greenhouses is an essential plugin to power-up your SkyBlock or AcidIsland world! It enables players to build their own biome greenhouses complete with weather, friendly mob spawning, unique plant growth and even block erosion!

Greenhouses are made out of glass and must contain the blocks found in the Biome Recipe to be valid. There is a recipe GUI. Once built, the greenhouse can be used to grow plants with bonemeal, and it may spawn biome-specific mobs. If you include a hopper with water in it, snow will form inside the greenhouse when it rains. If you put bonemeal in the hopper, biome-specific plants will grow. Some blocks can also transform over time due to "erosion".


How to Build A Greenhouse (Simple version)

  1. Make glass blocks and build a rectangular set of walls with a flat roof.
  2. Put a hopper in the wall or roof.
  3. Put a door in the wall so you can get in and out.
  4. Type /g and read the rules for the greenhouse you want.
  5. Exit the GUI and place blocks, water, lava and ice so that you make your desired biome.
  6. Type /g again and click on the biome to make it.

Once made:


Required Plugin

  1. Vault for permissions - make sure you use the latest version!

Installation and Configuration

  1. Download and install Vault if you haven't done so already
  2. Download the plugin
  3. Place into your plugins folder
  4. Restart your server (or reload plugins)
  5. The plugin will make a folder called Greenhouses. Open that folder.
  6. Check config.yml and edit to be what you want, note the list of world names.
  7. Configure the biomes.yml if you like (advanced).
  8. Type /gadmin reload in the game to reload the config or restart the server.
  9. Done!

To make your first greenhouse, build a glass box and type /g make to see what kind of greenhouse you get. Type /g to see the recipes.


Read the file release notes for changes and instructions on how to upgrade.

Player Commands

/greenhouse or /g can be used for short. /greenhouse help - lists these commands /greenhouse make: Tries to make a greenhouse by finding the first valid recipe /greenhouse remove: Removes a greenhouse that you are standing in if you are the owner /greenhouse list: Lists all the recipes available /greenhouse recipe: Displays the recipe GUI - clicking on a recipe will try to make a greenhouse

Admin Commands

/gadmin reload : Reloads config files /gadmin info : provides info on the player /gadmin info: provides info on the greenhouse you are in


Permission to use specific biomes can be added in biomes.yml.

For example, the permission for the Nether (Hell) biome is greenhouses.biome.nether and is set here:


permission: greenhouses.biome.nether

The permission can be anything you like, e.g., a rank permission, myserver.VIP.

General permissions are:


 description: Gives access to player commands
 default: true


 description: Gives access to admin commands
 default: op

Stats Disclosure

This plugin utilizes a plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:

Visit mcstats.org if you would like to learn more about the stats collected. Go into /plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml to disable stat collecting if you wish.