Pocket Log is a pretty simple Android app that allows time tracking for a number of projects with constraints, like hour limits, due dates and such. The app is free and open source, for screenshots have a look at the Playstore Entry.
Like most Android projects these days Pocket Log uses gradle. In app/build.gradle
you find a
section handling the signing process for release versions:
release {
storeFile file("../timetracker.keystore")
storePassword TIMETRACKER_RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD // ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
keyAlias "timetracker"
keyPassword TIMETRACKER_RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD // ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
contains the signing key which you will have to replace with your own key
Once that is done, create a file at ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
in which you can store the
passwords for your key and keystore like this:
Using this approach you can have your key in the open without exposing the passwords.
Pocket Log is build using gradle. The usual tasks are available, like:
./gradlew assembleDebug
produces an APK file that you can manually install using ADB./gradlew test
runs the contained unit testsBefore running your first release, you'll have to replace the release signing key, which is located in /timetracker.keystore. After that, the following steps will have to be repeated for each release:
1) Ensure new version and version code is set in app/build.gradle
1) run ./gradlew clean assembleRelease
1) Upload the artifact app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk
using the Store Webclient
1) Once the release is done, update versionCode
and versionString
in app/build.gradle
commit the changes