This is a Tensorflow implementation of "Tangent Convolutions for Dense Prediction in 3D" by Maxim Tatarchenko, Jaesik Park, Vladlen Koltun and Qian-Yi Zhou, CVPR 2018.
python == 3.6
tensorflow >= 1.3
Clone this version of Open3D. Install dependencies and compile it by running
$ cd Open3D
$ util/scripts/
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../src
$ make
Note that we only tested the system on Ubuntu Linux >= 16.04. Update the path to Open3D and the path to Tangent Convolutions in
Experimental parameters are stored in .json configuration files. You can find configurations for all experiments shown in the paper in the 'experiments' folder. The exact description of individual parameters is provided here.
We provide the '' script for initial data downloading, extraction and conversion. It supports three datasets: S3DIS, ScanNet and Semantic3D. Below we describe how to use this script to prepare each of those datasets. Upon completion, it produces a set of directories, each one containing data for a single scan ('scan.pcd' and 'scan.labels').
Download the aligned version of the dataset. Now you should have a file called ''. Run
$ python <directory_where_zip_is> <desired_output_directory> stanford
Get access to the ScanNet dataset. Download all require data types by executing
$ python -o ScanNet --task_data --type .aggregation.json _vh_clean_2.0.010000.segs.json _vh_clean_2.ply
This should produce a directory with a bunch of subdirectories named 'scenexxxx_xx' in it. Now, run
$ python <directory_with_scans> <desired_output_directory> scannet
$ python <directory_for_downloaded_files> <desired_output_directory> semantic3d
In order to precompute the parametrization for a dataset, run
$ python <experiment_config> --precompute
To start network training, run
$ python <experiment_config> --train
During training, the network outputs intermediate data into these folders:
: Training logs which can be visualized using Tensorboard.snapshots
: Network snapshots which are saved based on the evaluation performance. If current evaluation is the best so far, the corresponding snapshot is saved.To test a trained model, run
$ python <experiment_config> --test
This process outputs predictions for the test set into the outputs
folder. These predictions are on low-resolution point clouds. If you want to generate predictions for raw high-resolution data which was used for precomputation, run
$ python <experiment_config> --extrapolate
This script generates a final prediction file named as specified in the output_file
parameter and puts it into the corresponding folder containing the low-resolution predicitons. To evaluate the quality of the high-resolution predictions, run
$ python <experiment_config> --evaluate
To visualize predictions, run
$ python <experiment_config> <scan_name> <mode>
\<mode> can be one of g
(show ground truth labels), p
(show predicted labels) or c
(show colors).
By default, downsampled scans are visualized. If you want to instead visualize the original scans, add the '--raw' flag.
If you want to train the network on your own dataset, you need to prepare the data.
Your data should be converted into the following structure:
where scan.pcd contains 3D points with their attributes (colors, intensities etc.) and scan.labels is a text file with per-point semantic labels (0 corresponds to unlabeled data, 1-N to the actuall class labels).
Then, you need to specify a configuration file for the experiment. See example in
You also need to provide a train/test split for you data (.txt files containing the corresponding
Finally, you need to add a new class with your dataset parameters into
From here on, you can follow the standard procedure for pre-computation and training/testing as described before.
If you use our code for research, please cite our papers:
author = {Maxim Tatarchenko* and Jaesik Park* and Vladlen Koltun and Qian-Yi Zhou.},
title = {Tangent Convolutions for Dense Prediction in {3D}},
journal = {CVPR},
year = {2018},
author = {Qian-Yi Zhou and Jaesik Park and Vladlen Koltun},
title = {{Open3D}: {A} Modern Library for {3D} Data Processing},
journal = {arXiv:1801.09847},
year = {2018},
MIT License.