tatianabarga / attention-defficient

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Attention dEfficient


All of your tools in one convenient screen

home screen

Create lists

create new list

Streamlined to-do item creation

add items

Track status of to-to items

edit item

See all items with details in single list view

single list view

Tech Stack:

This app uses:


Links and resources:

How to download/clone/install and run the app:


Starting the Project

  1. Create a Firebase project and set up authentication. Use these videos as a refresher if needed.
  2. Create a .env file at the root of the project
  3. Copy/Paste the contents of the .env.sample file to your newly created .env file.
  4. Copy over all of your Firebase values into the .env file.
  5. Open the package.json file and change the name property to the name of your application, and author to your name.
  6. From your command line, be in the root directory and run npm install OR npm i for short.
  7. Next, run npm run prepare. This command sets up husky to track eslint errors on commit that will make your deploy fail on Netlify.
  8. Go into the links for the hooks in the Tech Stack provided in the tech stack above and install hooks.
  9. To start your application, run npm run dev. THIS IS THE COMMAND YOU WILL USE TO RUN YOUR DEVELOPMENT SERVER FROM NOW ON.
  10. Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser.


Screen Shot 2022-07-06 at 11 18 45 AM

Deploying on Netlify

Netlify will automatically detect your project and prepopulate the settings, but should something go wrong and it does not, here are the commands:

Additional Steps to Take on Netlify

Learn More about Next.js

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources: