tautcony / ISTA-Patcher

An IL patcher
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 8 forks source link

ISTA4.46.14 run Error #20

Closed renzhig closed 2 months ago

renzhig commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

ISTA4.46.14 Err. Failed to start lSTA Please make sure your ISTA configuration is valid.In doubt reset any non standard lSTA configuration and reinstallISTA

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1.Use ISTA-Patcher2.1.1 PATCH to replace files and run

  1. See error

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. 微信截图_20240303214501

Logs If applicable, upload logs under ISTA\Logs to help troubleshoot your problem (emptying the Logs folder and reproducing the problem before uploading them would be more helpful in analyzing the logs). 20240303_214254_21bb7ddf-34de-4aea-ae1b-e35ed17151a2_IstaServicesHost.log 20240303_DESKTOP-0CCGV0H_ISTA.log

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context https://mega.nz/file/N0hy2JiD#Z6MYXaisyGwETnfNfJt0Rs5FSSupBj6DWpSOIDV2KRU Installation files for ISTA4.46.14

iggy2022 commented 4 months ago

hello 1

iggy2022 commented 4 months ago

I can't reproduce your problem

tautcony commented 4 months ago

I can't reproduce your problem

The original MSI package requires extra editing to make it installable, or simply extracting files directly from the MSI package.

renzhig commented 4 months ago

I can provide any additional documents you need

I can't reproduce your problem

The original MSI package requires extra editing to make it installable, or simply extracting files directly from the MSI package.

I can provide any additional documents you need

tautcony commented 4 months ago

Note that there is a System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException in the log, along with the error stack. Some new code is trying to serialize an object, but seems to be missing the IRefreshTokenJob type, I 'm not sure with assembly would include this type, may need more infomation.

renzhig commented 4 months ago

Note that there is a System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException in the log, along with the error stack. Some new code is trying to serialize an object, but seems to be missing the IRefreshTokenJob type, I 'm not sure with assembly would include this type, may need more infomation.

Do you need me to do anything now?

tautcony commented 4 months ago

Note that there is a System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException in the log, along with the error stack. Some new code is trying to serialize an object, but seems to be missing the IRefreshTokenJob type, I 'm not sure with assembly would include this type, may need more infomation.

Do you need me to do anything now?

Not yet, just saying there's not enough information right now.

renzhig commented 4 months ago

If there are two files, "ClientConfiguration. inc" and "ClientConfiguration. ml", in the directory "C: \ ProgramData \ BMW \ ISPI \ config \ ILEAN \ ISPI Admin Client", the software can start normally, but diagnosis still cannot be performed ISPI Admin Client.zip

renzhig commented 4 months ago

This log is the entire process from opening the software to diagnosing errors and then closing the software, DebugView The LOG file is recorded by the DebugView software during the diagnostic process, and the other log.zip is the log of the ISTA software during the diagnostic process DebugView.LOG Logs.zip

tautcony commented 4 months ago
00001578    200.14562988    [8660] 2024-03-07 10:22:14.400 INFO [T] ISTA: [17] VehicleIdent.doMissingECUIdent - trying to identify still unknown ECU at address: 67     
00001579    200.14575195    [8660] 2024-03-07 10:22:14.400 WARNING [T] ISTA: [17] VehicleIdent.doMissingECUIdent - no ecu group available; no info available for ecu: 67 /      
00001580    200.14602661    [8660] 2024-03-07 10:22:14.400 INFO [T] ISTA: [17] VehicleIdent.ForcePhysicalIdentOnUnindentified - ECU with SGBD:  and address: 0x67 did not respond to IDENT jobs.        


00001627    237.81570435    [8660] 2024-03-07 10:22:52.069 WARNING [T] ISTA: [17] VehicleDataConverter.FindEcuVariantFromBntn - More than one ECU variants found [flm02_l,flm02x_l] for 'FLM-02-LINKS'  
00001628    237.81724548    [8660] 2024-03-07 10:22:52.071 WARNING [T] ISTA: [17] VehicleDataConverter.GetEcuVariantByName - No ECU variant found for 'FLM-02-LINKS' and no diag address '67'   
00001629    237.81800842    [8660] 2024-03-07 10:22:52.072 WARNING [T] ISTA: [17] Logic.StartVehicleIdentification - failed with exception: System.NullReferenceException: 未将对象引用设置到对象的实例。  
00001630    237.81800842    [8660]    在 BMW.Rheingold.Diagnostics.VehicleIdent.<>c__DisplayClass256_0.<AddPSdZEcusToVehicleEcus>b__0(IPsdzEcu x)    
00001631    237.81800842    [8660]    在 BMW.Rheingold.CoreFramework.Extensions.ForEach[T](IEnumerable`1 enumerable, Action`1 action)    
00001632    237.81800842    [8660]    在 BMW.Rheingold.Diagnostics.VehicleIdent.AddPSdZEcusToVehicleEcus(Boolean setSvtEcusIntoSvtEcuCollection)     
00001633    237.81800842    [8660]    在 BMW.Rheingold.Diagnostics.VehicleIdent.StartCalculateSvtFromPsdz(IProgressMonitor monitor, Boolean setSvtEcusIntoSvtEcuCollection)  
00001634    237.81800842    [8660]    在 BMW.Rheingold.Diagnostics.VehicleIdent.CheckIfEcuHasUnknownEcuGroup(IProgressMonitor monitor)   
00001635    237.81800842    [8660]    在 BMW.Rheingold.Diagnostics.VehicleIdent.ExecuteEdiabasJobBN2020(IProgressMonitor monitor)    
00001636    237.81800842    [8660]    在 BMW.Rheingold.Diagnostics.VehicleIdent.ExecuteEdiabasJobsForVehicleIdentification(IProgressMonitor monitor, IKmmService kmmService, DateTime startDate, IFFMDynamicResolver ffmResolver)    
00001637    237.81800842    [8660]    在 BMW.Rheingold.RheingoldSessionController.Logic.StartVehicleIdentificationWithVehicle(IProgressMonitor monitor)  
00001638    237.81800842    [8660]    在 BMW.Rheingold.RheingoldSessionController.Logic.StartVehicleIdentification(IProgressMonitor monitor, String& errorText, Boolean forceOldVehicleIdentificationProcess, Boolean comingFromInfosession)     
00001639    237.81811523    [8660] 2024-03-07 10:22:52.072 INFO [T] ISTA: [17] Vehicle.UpdateStatus() - Change state from '#VehicleIdent/running' to '#UnknownVIN/error' 


00002428    238.07006836    [8660] 2024-03-07 10:22:52.324 WARNING [T] ISTA: [17] Logic.IdentifyVehicle - failed to identify vehicle    


00002462    239.19758606    [8660] 2024-03-07 10:22:52.827 INFO [T] ISTA: [17] InteractionController.RegisterInteractionModel() - A 'InteractionMessageModel' was registered. Interaction Title: '错误 (Powered by ISTA-Patcher 2.1.1)'   

It seems an NPE was thrown during vehicle identification caused by non-responsive ECU, what did the dialog show? I don't know much about the usage for ista, did previous versions report this error?

The dll file is identical with the original one, is the upload correct?

tautcony commented 4 months ago
24-03-07 10:22:06,474 [TCP-Reader-] [ERROR] [] com.bmw.prodias.io.DefaultCommunicationProcessor: got a communication error with no SA on channel tcp://, control code= 64, data= 0xFF 0xF4, CAN error="unspecified general error"
24-03-07 10:22:06,640 [TCP-Reader-] [ERROR] [] com.bmw.prodias.io.DefaultCommunicationProcessor: got a communication error with no SA on channel tcp://, control code= 64, data= 0xFF 0xF4, CAN error="unspecified general error"
24-03-07 10:22:06,944 [TCP-Reader-] [ERROR] [] com.bmw.prodias.io.DefaultCommunicationProcessor: got a communication error with no SA on channel tcp://, control code= 64, data= 0xFF 0xF4, CAN error="unspecified general error"
24-03-07 10:22:07,244 [TCP-Reader-] [ERROR] [] com.bmw.prodias.io.DefaultCommunicationProcessor: got a communication error with no SA on channel tcp://, control code= 64, data= 0xFF 0xF4, CAN error="unspecified general error"
24-03-07 10:22:07,518 [TCP-Reader-] [ERROR] [] com.bmw.prodias.io.DefaultCommunicationProcessor: got a communication error with no SA on channel tcp://, control code= 64, data= 0xFF 0xF4, CAN error="unspecified general error"
24-03-07 10:22:07,550 [Thread-39] [INFO] [] com.bmw.psdz.jobs.common.MCD3_GenerateConfigFromVehicle: MCD service RDBI_SVK finished
***** Link: PROG_UDS_DF_ETHERNET, Service: RDBI_SVK - ReadDataByIdentifier SVK
Request Parameter count: 2
 - RDBI: 0x22
 - RDBI_DID: SVK_Aktuell
Request PDU: (3) 22 f1 01 
Result error: MCDError Severity: 2051, Error Code: 53327, Description: service execution failed, Vendor Code: 32768, Vendor Description: dispatchEOF called, Interface Error Code: 0x0

Response count: 0
DiagAdresses: 0xf4 -> 0xdf

From the available logs, it appears to be a communication error with the vehicle, which should not be caused by the patcher.

I see that this file "CommonServices. DLL" controls the generation. This file was obtained from a crack done by someone else CommonServices.zip。But after replacing this file, the software can only open and query normally, and there is still a problem with the diagnosis

Since CommonServices.DLL is identical to the original, according to what you have uploaded, this file should not be patched and can then be started normally, is that correct?

OnSerious commented 3 months ago

I think you have some other configuration errors. I got mine running, but i am also new to the whole ISTA Process. Always used standalones. But in lack of them i tried many things the last days with installed istalauncher and without. in lack of a manual i fell over this github repository and took my own way.

  1. Patched Install .msi and installed it without Ista Launcher
  2. Checked Folder Structure - SQLiteDBs and BLP/SDP were somehow not installed. Placed them inside
  3. Used Ista-Patcher[Start failed with same error]
  4. imported generated license.reg first time [Start failed with same error]

The problem you have is the IstaGui.exe.config. I somehow opened and edited it, but it also failed to start. so i took the original ISTAGui.exe.config file, and there is somehow a old standalone of ISTA floating around on the net.

i merged the IstaGui.exe.config with mine from 4.46.14 in the appSettings part. Actually I dont know which part removes the problem but now it is starting without a problem, can also enter a vin and i get information. but dont have a car here to test at the moment with e-net or icom.

so at the end i think it is not a bug of the ISTA-Patcher, it is bug of your configuration, or you trying to build a standalone...

OnSerious commented 3 months ago

Ok, I now know that also some other file needs to be changed. I made a standalone version from my installed one and put it in C:\EC-Apps\ISTA. I think this is not the normal use case for this patcher, but without a manual i only know this way.

My standalone was starting as long, as the original ISTA Installation was in C:\Programm Files(x86)\BMW folder and the original unmodified files where there.

as soon as i removed the installation with the installer, also my self created standalone in C:\EC-Apps did not work anymore. After i put your commonservices.dll ista started without a problem. It must be something iLean related in there.

iggy2022 commented 3 months ago

CommonServices The DLL file is not the original file, it has been modified by someone else. The ISTAGuiexe.config file was also modified by this person. ISTAGUI.exe.zip https://mega.nz/folder/rsBFUSLK#Eta98k4oSyfFxitBl8L14A https://mega.nz/folder/rsBFUSLK#Eta98k4oSyfFxitBl8L14A。 Do you need any other files, including the crack done by another person, that can also be given to you, but their ISTAGUIexe is encrypted

download in progress no fr_FR ??

nickgzz commented 3 months ago

Hello all! I'm facing the same problem trying to start Ista after the patch was applied. I made a standalone of versions 4.45.30, 4.46.14 and 4.46.21. Starting from version 4.46.14 the Ista will not start, followed by the error message: "please make sure your ISTA configuration is valid". When reverting back to 4.45.30 everything works fine by adapting the "ISTAGUI.exe.config" and registry file to the corresponding version. I'm assuming something changed starting with the version 4.46.14. I have attached the logs from 4.46.21. 20240313_LATITUDE5521_ISTA.log

tautcony commented 3 months ago

Hello all! I'm facing the same problem trying to start Ista after the patch was applied. I made a standalone of versions 4.45.30, 4.46.14 and 4.46.21. Starting from version 4.46.14 the Ista will not start, followed by the error message: "please make sure your ISTA configuration is valid". When reverting back to 4.45.30 everything works fine by adapting the "ISTAGUI.exe.config" and registry file to the corresponding version. I'm assuming something changed starting with the version 4.46.14. I have attached the logs from 4.46.21. 20240313_LATITUDE5521_ISTA.log

---> BMW.iLean.CommonServices.Exceptions.CommonServiceException: 0A_ICS0133: CommonserviceException, see inner exception for more details ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=669e0ddf0bb1aa2a' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

Is the installation done by official msi file? it seems that some dependency is missing, you can try to download it and place with the istagui.exe. https://www.nuget.org/packages/log4net/2.0.13

With version 4.16.x, a variety of different reported exceptions appear, not very consistently, I'll collect more log for root cause.

nickgzz commented 3 months ago

Hello all! I'm facing the same problem trying to start Ista after the patch was applied. I made a standalone of versions 4.45.30, 4.46.14 and 4.46.21. Starting from version 4.46.14 the Ista will not start, followed by the error message: "please make sure your ISTA configuration is valid". When reverting back to 4.45.30 everything works fine by adapting the "ISTAGUI.exe.config" and registry file to the corresponding version. I'm assuming something changed starting with the version 4.46.14. I have attached the logs from 4.46.21. 20240313_LATITUDE5521_ISTA.log

---> BMW.iLean.CommonServices.Exceptions.CommonServiceException: 0A_ICS0133: CommonserviceException, see inner exception for more details ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'log4net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=669e0ddf0bb1aa2a' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

Is the installation done by official msi file? it seems that some dependency is missing, you can try to download it and place with the istagui.exe. https://www.nuget.org/packages/log4net/2.0.13

With version 4.16.x, a variety of different reported exceptions appear, not very consistently, I'll collect more log for root cause.

Yes, the original msi installer was used. Exactly the same steps I used for 4.45.30 and had no issues. I will try to download the missing dependency and will report back.

renzhig commented 3 months ago

ISTA+ 4.46.2x Install Files - MEGA https://mega.nz/folder/NwhAkDTZ#t_6m7VGWlQNjFp4AzBJbbw There have been significant changes to the program starting from ista4.46.1x, and the previous patch may not be applicable.

Ista 4.46.21 shows a different error prompt again

nickgzz commented 3 months ago

CommonServices The DLL file is not the original file, it has been modified by someone else. The ISTAGuiexe.config file was also modified by this person. ISTAGUI.exe.zip https://mega.nz/folder/rsBFUSLK#Eta98k4oSyfFxitBl8L14A https://mega.nz/folder/rsBFUSLK#Eta98k4oSyfFxitBl8L14A。 Do you need any other files, including the crack done by another person, that can also be given to you, but their ISTAGUIexe is encrypted

I was able to start version 4.46.21 by replacing the CommonServices.dll file you provided. I have attached both logs before and after the file was replaced. Tried to roll back to original "CommonServices.dll" and ISTA starts as well. ISTA_CommonServices_original.log ISTA_CommonServices_patched.log ista_4 46 21

renzhig commented 3 months ago

It can be started, but it cannot be checked in the manual or diagnosed

nickgzz commented 3 months ago

It can be started, but it cannot be checked in the manual or diagnosed

Mine is working fine on a F34

click to see details ![identification](https://github.com/tautcony/ISTA-Patcher/assets/155672084/53b2e00f-4645-44e1-91ee-ce1c0c8390e1) ![unit tree](https://github.com/tautcony/ISTA-Patcher/assets/155672084/6b2dc38f-827e-493d-8c30-744fe677049d) ![unit tree cleared](https://github.com/tautcony/ISTA-Patcher/assets/155672084/273db7af-be3f-4b3f-bf8f-7a4e96adf32b)
renzhig commented 3 months ago

Hi nickgzz Can you send me a compressed file of your ISTA so that I can see what the problem is。。 Email: renzhig@outlook.com Thanks

tautcony commented 3 months ago

@renzhig The CommonServices.dll file is identical to the one extracted from MSI, both in 4.46.14 and 4.46.21, I rechecked and didn't understand exactly what "crack done by someone else" was about.

❯ sha1sum CommonServices.dll
12913ac552648187eee48233d4d1e618fffc87bd  CommonServices.dll
❯ sha1sum CommonServices-patched-from-issue.dll
12913ac552648187eee48233d4d1e618fffc87bd  CommonServices-patched-from-issue.dll
CharlesJung73 commented 3 months ago


I found a way to fix the "Configurarion is valid" error.

The reason for the error is that the file "ClientConfiguration.enc" file is missing.

C:\ProgramData\BMW\ISPI\config\ILEAN\ISPI Admin Client\ClientConfiguration.enc

Unpatched ISTA app creates the "ClientConfiguration.enc" file, but patched ISTA app does not create the "ClientConfiguration.enc" file.

The workaround is to run ISTA once before patching to create the "ClientConfiguration.enc" file.

However, if you apply this generated "ClientConfiguration.enc" file to another PC, you will get "Configurarion is valid", so you cannot share it with others.

It is presumed that "ClientConfiguration.enc" file contains encoded information based on the unique information of the installed PC.

After running an unpatched ISTA, you need to restart Windows or forcibly kill the "istaServicesHost" process to avoid errors when applying the patched file.

For reference, I manually extracted the files from the "BMW_ISPI_ISTA-APP_4.46.30.27498.msi" file, copied them to the ISTA folder, applied the authentication patch, and modified the version information in the registry.

This is the file extracted from "BMW_ISPI_ISTA-APP_4.46.30.27498.msi".

https://mega.nz/folder/ixI2DADY#XnU-RoniuR1rveRQWq6kUQ     The simplest workaround is for the patched ISTA App to generate a "ClientConfiguration.enc" :)

iggy2022 commented 3 months ago

congratulations for your analysis !! good job

CharlesJung73 commented 3 months ago

I applied the patch except for the "CommonServices.dll" file, and the "ClientConfiguration.enc" file is created, and ISTA runs normally.

However, I haven't connected to the vehicle and tested it yet, so I haven't tested the vehicle diagnosis or whether the "Execute Measures Plan" button is activated.

I will check it later when I have time.

Anyway, I think the "CommonServices.dll" file is the key to troubleshooting.

OnSerious commented 3 months ago

I‘m actually not at home, but renzhig posted a CommonServices.dll which is from the cracked/patched version. Tautcony checked both, and told it is identical file. Maybe there was a file confusement or ISTA Installation is placing another file.

I somehow remember, i opened the original one and the patched one he posted with 7-Zip. There is a version.txt inside which have the same version value. But compared with hex editor there are many changed values. After that I opened up both files with IDA Pro, and it looks like, that there is a part deleted, and many loading loc parts showing different hex locations, maybe because of the deleted part.

I am not experienced in .NET Programming so I don’t understand if it is only the deleted part what changed everything there.

I installed with patched .msi then moved ISTA Folder from standard Folder to another place. I patched with patcher and it started but did not test diag. After I removed ISTA in Windows Settings / Apps, it was not working anymore (wrong config) till I put the CommonServices.dll from renzhig. I also noticed the removed programdata/bmw folder after removing ista from Settings/Apps and the recreation of the programdata/bmw folder when it started again after replacing the dll. So maybe we are also on the right way with the .enc file.

tautcony commented 3 months ago

I applied the patch except for the "CommonServices.dll" file, and the "ClientConfiguration.enc" file is created, and ISTA runs normally.

However, I haven't connected to the vehicle and tested it yet, so I haven't tested the vehicle diagnosis or whether the "Execute Measures Plan" button is activated.

I will check it later when I have time.

Anyway, I think the "CommonServices.dll" file is the key to troubleshooting.

Could you please upload both two versions of CommonServices.dll, I would like to check the difference between these two files.

If ISTA could run without the contents of ClientConfiguration, A new option has been added to skip that check before loading, fully untested (there are some ci issue now, I would fix that later).

renzhig commented 3 months ago

I applied the patch except for the "CommonServices.dll" file, and the "ClientConfiguration.enc" file is created, and ISTA runs normally. However, I haven't connected to the vehicle and tested it yet, so I haven't tested the vehicle diagnosis or whether the "Execute Measures Plan" button is activated. I will check it later when I have time. Anyway, I think the "CommonServices.dll" file is the key to troubleshooting.

Could you please upload both two versions of CommonServices.dll, I would like to check the difference between these two files.

If ISTA could run without the contents of ClientConfiguration, A new option has been added to skip that check before loading, fully untested (there are some ci issue now, I would fix that later).

[Uploading CommonServices 4.46.14.zip…]()

CharlesJung73 commented 3 months ago

Could you please upload both two versions of CommonServices.dll, I would like to check the difference between these two files.

If ISTA could run without the contents of ClientConfiguration, A new option has been added to skip that check before loading, fully untested (there are some ci issue now, I would fix that later).

ISTA CommonServices.dll CommonServices_patched.dll


CharlesJung73 commented 3 months ago

I tested it in my vehicle yesterday.

Diagnostics and error deletion were performed successfully and the "Execute Measures Plan" button was activated. ^^v

BMW-FANS commented 2 months ago

"Execute Measures Plan" What are the steps to activate?