tautcony / ISTA-Patcher

An IL patcher
GNU General Public License v3.0
38 stars 14 forks source link
LOGO # $$\mathbf{ISTA\ Patcher}^{\color{orange}overdose}$$
[![License: GPL v3](https://img.shields.io/github/license/tautcony/ISTA-Patcher?style=flat-square)](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0) [![build](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/tautcony/ISTA-Patcher/build.yml?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/tautcony/ISTA-Patcher/actions) [![](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/tautcony/ISTA-Patcher/total.svg?style=flat-square)](https://github.com/tautcony/ISTA-Patcher/releases) An IL patcher for ISTA-P from scratch, a product of learning about [dnlib](https://github.com/0xd4d/dnlib).


[!IMPORTANT] ISTA-Patcher will back up the original files to the @ista-backup folder, but it is still recommended to back up the ISTA\TesterGUI & ISTA\PSdZ folders before patching.

[!NOTE] *nix users may need the following steps to get the ISTA-Patcher work.

unzip ISTA-Patcher-*-Release.zip
cd ISTA-Patcher-*-Release

# linux
chmod +x ISTA-Patcher

# macos
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine ISTA-Patcher
chmod +x ISTA-Patcher
codesign --force --deep -s - ISTA-Patcher

Execute the following command in a terminal:

# [option] is a placeholder for the options you want to use.
ISTA-Patcher patch [option]... "\PATH\TO\ISTA"

The directory containing the patched files is located as follows:

Overwrite patched files to its parent directory, read the notes, then run the program and, dang, it's ready to use.


  • Please ensure that all related processes been killed before starting the program.
  • Path should be enclosed in quotes if it contains spaces to avoid errors.
  • Please ensure that both CoreFramework.ILeanActive and CoreFramework.OSSModeActive in the configuration file are set to false.
  • Please ensure that the Logging.Directory in the configuration file is a relative path that does not start with %ISPIDATA%, otherwise exceptions will occur during the log cleaning process.
  • If choose to generate a dummy license, import the generated registry file(license.reg) under Release directory.
  • From version 4.48.x, Please ensure that Auth.Enabled in the configuration file is set to false, or try the --patch-user-auth option.

[!TIP] There are several other alternative features that can be discovered through exploration.

For all available options and to learn more, please execute ISTA-Patcher without any arguments and follow the instructions.


Distributed under the GPLv3+ License. See LICENSE for more information.

When redistributing any content that benefiting from ISTA-Patcher, it is imperative to include an attribution statement that credits ISTA-Patcher.


Icon credit: comboo.

[!CAUTION] This repository has been created for educational purposes only. Use it at your own risk.

It must be made clear that ISTA-Patcher is an independent project, any other individual or organization redistributing it or its derivatives is not affiliated with this project and may not be able to provide any support for installing or using ISTA.