taviso / hotcorner

Tiny Hot Corners for Windows 10
GNU General Public License v3.0
380 stars 69 forks source link

Tiny Hot Corners for Windows 10

In GNOME 3 whenever you move the mouse to the top left corner, GNOME switches to the activities view, it looks like this:

Gnome Activities

Whenever I'm using Windows 10, I always forget that this doesn't work. Bleh.

I searched around for existing solutions, and wasn't happy with anything I could find.

The options seem to be

None of these are what I want, I just want that GNOME 3 thing with absolute minimal overhead.

This is a very minimal hotcorner app, written in C. You can adjust parameters, delays, bindings easily and recompile.

Zero state is stored anywhere, no registry keys or configuration files.


Change any of the parameters, compile, then install.

A binary is available here if you prefer.


> nmake


> copy hotcorner.exe "%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"

(or nmake install)


> del "%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\hotcorner.exe"

(or nmake uninstall)

If you don't have cl or nmake, they come with Visual Studio (or the Windows SDK, I think).

Additionally, it is possible to build hotcorner on Linux using MinGW.

$ x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres version.rc -O coff -o version.res $ x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -O2 hotcorner.c version.res -o hotcorner.exe -Wl,-subsystem,windows


All configuration requires modifying the parameters in hotcorner.c and recompiling.





I've made a deliberate decision to keep hotcorner as simple as possible, here are some variations that other users have made that suit their needs better.