taw / magic-search-engine

Search engine for Magic cards
MIT License
47 stars 19 forks source link

Search engine for Magic: The Gathering cards.

Ruby on Rails frontend

To run frontend like http://mtg.wtf/

$ cd frontend
$ bundle
$ bundle exec rails s

Command line

To search card names from command line:

$ ./search-engine/bin/find_cards "query"

To search card names and content from command line:

$ ./search-engine/bin/find_cards -v "query"

To explore card database from Ruby console:

$ ./search-engine/bin/pry_cards


Tests for library and for Rails frontend are separate:

$ (cd search-engine; bundle install)
$ (cd search-engine; bundle exec rspec)
$ (cd frontend; bundle install)
$ (cd frontend; bundle exec rake test)

How to update database

Whenever new set is released:

Then import cards:

Whenever banned and restricted list is announced:

Ban lists