tawfiqmp / FantasyFootballApp

An app that displays fantasy football statistics and info
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authentication with the NFL app

You can make a $.get() to /nfl/auth/login with the following query parameters. After that, you can use the auth token and user id returned in this request all other api calls, directly to the NFL API.

query params to include (after the ?):

example query:

    console.log(data); // { authToken: "...", userId: ... }

Note: You may want to save this authToken and userId in local storage.

All other requests

from http://api.fantasy.nfl.com/ ...


GET'ing data for league players: http://api.fantasy.nfl.com/league/players?leagueId=1&authToken=MTIzNCYxJjEyNjgwODg4NTY=

POST'ing data to add a player to league: http://api.fantasy.nfl.com/league/team/addplayer?leagueId=1&teamId=1&addPlayerId=1355&authToken=MTIzNCYxJjEyNjgwODg4NTY=