tazz4843 / whisper-rs

Rust bindings to https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp
The Unlicense
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CUDA problem #126

Closed Dorbmon closed 2 months ago

Dorbmon commented 2 months ago

When I set whisper-rs = { version = "0.10.0", features=["cuda"] } The result of full_get_segment_text is always only string: " Nay". But once I use the CPU, the result is normal.

thewh1teagle commented 2 months ago

How did you compiled with cuda? I want to add cuda support for vibe but I'm not sure where to get cuda from and what exact features / flags to enable in whisper-rs

Dorbmon commented 2 months ago

@thewh1teagle From Cargo.toml, you can use like this: whisper-rs = { version = "0.10.0", features=["cuda"] }

Let me know if you encounter the same problem.

tazz4843 commented 2 months ago

Likely an upstream issue, not much we can do here. Gonna close this in that case.