tazz4843 / whisper-rs

Rust bindings to https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp
The Unlicense
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Rust bindings to whisper.cpp


git clone --recursive https://github.com/tazz4843/whisper-rs.git

cd whisper-rs

cargo run --example basic_use

cargo run --example audio_transcription
use whisper_rs::{WhisperContext, WhisperContextParameters, FullParams, SamplingStrategy};

fn main() {
    let path_to_model = std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap();

    // load a context and model
    let ctx = WhisperContext::new_with_params(
    ).expect("failed to load model");

    // create a params object
    let params = FullParams::new(SamplingStrategy::Greedy { best_of: 1 });

    // assume we have a buffer of audio data
    // here we'll make a fake one, floating point samples, 32 bit, 16KHz, mono
    let audio_data = vec![0_f32; 16000 * 2];

    // now we can run the model
    let mut state = ctx.create_state().expect("failed to create state");
        .full(params, &audio_data[..])
        .expect("failed to run model");

    // fetch the results
    let num_segments = state
        .expect("failed to get number of segments");
    for i in 0..num_segments {
        let segment = state
            .expect("failed to get segment");
        let start_timestamp = state
            .expect("failed to get segment start timestamp");
        let end_timestamp = state
            .expect("failed to get segment end timestamp");
        println!("[{} - {}]: {}", start_timestamp, end_timestamp, segment);

See examples/basic_use.rs for more details.

Lower level bindings are exposed if needed, but the above should be enough for most use cases. See the docs: https://docs.rs/whisper-rs/ for more details.

Feature flags

All disabled by default unless otherwise specified.


See BUILDING.md for instructions for building whisper-rs on Windows and OSX M1. Linux builds should just work out of the box.




tl;dr: public domain