tazz4843 / whisper-rs

Rust bindings to https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp
The Unlicense
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fix: Can't find libcuda when build with cuda feature on Linux #138

Closed arizhih closed 1 month ago

arizhih commented 2 months ago

On Linux, libcuda is located in the "stubs" sub folder.

arizhih commented 2 months ago

@tazz4843 Maybe it's not clear from description where is the problem and why we need to use libcuda from stubs subfolder. I'm building whisper-rs 0.11.1 on machine without graphics card and CUDA drivers, I've installed only CUDA Toolkit. So I don't have real libcuda in usual place and receive error from linker. For that purpose NVIDIA added stub libcuda and I can successfully link to it.