tbigot / tpms

Tree Pattern Matching Suite
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a bpp bug maybe... #10

Closed flassalle closed 12 years ago

flassalle commented 12 years ago

Hi Tom,

sorry to throw again disapointing news during a sunny holliday weekend... there is a bug when trying to reroot the collection, apparently linked to bpp objects (see output/error beneath). the executables were compiled with the latest TPMS version and CMake told the server's version of Bio++ was 2.0.1. " command? (m for help) > RC Rooting with the combo unicity+taxonomy criteria Re-rooting families trees using a combo method Unicity+Taxonomy:

Multithreaded operation. Number of threads: 1. Lot size : 10774 |0% 100%| terminate called after throwing an instance of 'bpp::UnrootedTreeException' what(): TreeException: UnrootedTreeException: Tree::unroot() " If you want to have a look, I send you the comand call and path to files by e-mail.

Have a nice weekend (and let's talk about it when you come back before you start tracking a bug, maybe I'm, as often, the one in cause)


tbigot commented 12 years ago

Indeed, it was a bug. TPMS was trying to unroot already-unrooted trees. It’s not you, it’s always the program. :) Thanks again and enjoy the new version.