tbuzzelli / Veris

A comprehensive tool for judging competitive programming solutions locally given a solution file, collection of data files, and optionally a checker.
Apache License 2.0
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The Oxford Dictionary defines verisimilitude as "The appearance of being true or real." When we submit solutions to competitive programming contests, the judging system does not check if our solutions are provably correct. Rather, our solutions are accepted if they pass the pre-defined test cases and thus appear to be correct.

Verisimilitude (Veris for short) began as a simple command-line interfacing script written by Alex Coleman and Timothy Buzzelli (both former members of the UCF Programming Team and 2018 ACM-ICPC World Finals Bronze Medalists.) After constant iteration and development, Veris made its way from a command-line tool to a robust and powerful judging tool with a simple UI. Since then, Timothy Buzzelli has been constantly adding improvements to Veris based on feature requests from UCF Programming Teammembers.


Verisimilitude seeks to be a comprehensive tool for judging competitive programming solutions locally given a solution file, collection of data files, and optionally a checker.


Main Window

Main Window

Results Window

Results Window Accepted

The results window opens up when Judge is pressed in the Main Window. It will give live updates while compiling the code and running the cases one at a time. The Compile Status is listed at the top and each test case is represented as a colored and numbered rectangle in the main center section.

Test cases that have finished judging take a color and have an icon which represent the verdict:

The bottom section of the results window gives live updates containing the total time and worst time for each test case. After judging is complete, the final verdict is also shown below.

View Compiler Error Message

When the verdict is a Compile Error, the compilers output can be seen by clicking the large COMPILATION ERROR text in the top of the window. This will open up a new window containing the output given from the compiler.

View Input, Output, Error Stream, Diff

Right clicking a test case that has finished judging will give a context menu containing options to view the case's input, output, the program's expected output, the error stream from the program, and a diff of the expected output and the program's output.

Rejudging Cases

Cases can only be rerun after all judging has finished.

To rejudge a single test case, right click the case and click Rerun this case. This will fetch the solution file again, recompile, and run that case again. Even if this case passes, the final verdict below will not change.

To rejudge all failing test cases, right click the verdict at the bottom and click Rerun failing cases. This will fetch the solution file again, recompile, and run every test case that failed (did not get Accepted) again. Even if these cases pass, the final verdict below will not change.

To rejudge all cases, right click the verdict at the bottom and click Rejudge. This will completely rejudge the solution and will affect the final verdict listed below.


Token Checker

The Token Checker most closely mimics the standard checkers used on Codeforces and at the ACM-ICPC World Finals. All whitespace is ignored and solutions are accepted if all of the tokens match.

If the program's output has any extra tokens or is missing any tokens, the solution is judged as Wrong Answer.

Diff Checker

The Diff Checker performs a basic line-by-line diff of the program's output and expected output. Solutions are acceptped if the diff results come back empty.

Epsilon Checker

The Epsilon Checker is very similar to the Token Checker because it checks the output by comparing tokens and ignoring whitespace. However, tokens in the expected output that can be interpreted as numbers are compared using an absolute and relative epsilon.

Accepted number formats:

Below is the pseudocode for comparing numbers using the two epsilons:

boolean check(expectedNumber, actualValue) {
  if (abs(expectedNumber) > 0) {
    if (abs((expectedNumber - actualValue) / expectedNumber) <= relativeEpsilon) {
      return true;
  return abs(expectedNumber - actualValue) <= absoluteEpsilon;

Note: The comparisons are done using 64 bit doubles. Values which cannot fit into a 64-bit double will not be compared using a string comparison.