tcampbPPU / seniorProject

Tutoring Application for a CMPS Senior Project Course at Point Park.
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fullcalendar handlebars jquery mysql nodejs

Senior Project Tutor Management


What Will the Project Accomplish?

This application will allow students schedule an appointment with a tutor, to get assistance in.



  1. Select Course the student seeks assistance
  2. Calendar gets presented to student with 30 minute intervals blocks where a tutor is available.
  3. Student gets directed to confirmation page where they can leave a note for their scheduled tutor.
    • Student get a calendar viewing of their appointments
    • Will have option to cancel appointment
    • Can enter phone number to receive reminder notifications about upcoming scheduled appointments.





Fork this repository by clicking the Fork button at the top of this page.

mkdir -p ~/projects

And change into this directory:

cd ~/projects

Clone the forked repository:

git clone$USERNAME/seniorProject.git

Make sure to replace $USERNAME with your own GitHub username.

In order to run the code you will need credentials. Please email to obtain them. Once received, put the credentials.js file in the main directory and run:

node index.js

If you make some changes and would like to contribute them, create a pull request to the original repository.